ESP dSeries Workload Automation

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  • How To Avoid The Automation Fyre Festival

    It’s 2017 and the Fyre Music Festival, promising a perfectly managed user experience, actually delivers an out-of-control consumer disaster. It might seem odd to compare a flawed festival to workload automation, but consider … when automation breaks down, it creates the same sort of issues: decreased customer satisfaction, loss of revenue, compliance violations and contract penalties.

    Broadcom VP and GM of Agile Operations Division, Serge Lucio shares the critical steps to avoid automation complications as well as surprising results from recent industry surveys. Explore this exclusive Forbes Technology Council article.

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  • Hi Nitin, Ravi, I was able to identify the file, though thanks for your response. We are not going to change anything, as informed by Ravi I have just verified the file for required details.

  • Hi Ravi, This works. Thanks! ------------------------------ DARDEN Corporation Orlando, FL ------------------------------

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  • Ravi Kiran Kunduri's profile image

    RE: Pull active application and job report.

    Can you please see if the below report - JOBS_BY_STATE in the Services-Reports

  • Nitin Pande's profile image

    RE: Pull active application and job report.

    Hi, Please see Monitor perspective. There you can go to Custom, then select Running. It will show you the currently Running ...

Unanswered Threads

  • Profile Picture

    WLA In Azure Cloud

    Hi All Looking for other companies who have moved Workload Automation in Azure using SQL MI for the database. We currently just moved 2 environments into Azure using SQL MI and have been having a few issues and are thinking about a possible rebuild ...

  • I would like to bypass a successor job if a file trigger detects an empty file. I am planning on executing an alert when the file trigger completes. Are there built in variables for alerts that would allow me to check the file size?