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The 12 days of 8.0 - Day 9

By Arif_Muhammad posted Dec 09, 2014 07:05 AM


"On the 9th day of DevTest the CA team brought to me 9 API Tests Running,

EIGHT transactions documented

SEVEN well calibrated agents,

SIX agents, protocols, categories intercepted,

FIVE generated assets,

FOUR opaque data types processes,

THREE new execution modes,

TWO RR pairs added,

and a Server-Side Recorder in a DevTest tree!"

Welcome to our 9th day of DevTest 8.0!  Today we are looking at the new CA Application Test collaboration capabilities that allows team members to execute, monitor and analyze test results.


One of the new and shiny toy you are going to see in 8.0 is our  DevTest Portal. The goal of the portal is to makes it easier for your team members to collaborate. Many of you asked ways to share standard automated tests that can be initiated with click of a button without the need of running workstation. Further the team members should have an easy to analyze view of the test results so they can see what exactly was exercised by the test and if it failed what was the reason of the failure. I believe we have made a good progress on this front. In this blog I will walk you through some of the capabilities.


For illustration I will be using following test case "Validate Car Inventory Look up" which uses combination of REST and Selenium steps to validate inventory API (using new cool json based filter) as well as verify that the CARS Web application, presents right data to the user as a result of VIN Look up.  Please note the naming of the steps, assertions etc.

Screen Shot 2014-10-10 at 5.09.39 PM.pngAfter creating the test I published it into repository called "ResHub" (Short of resource hub). This is basically a file system based repository of standard DevTest content you would want to share among the team members.  After logging into the new portal the user is taken to a dashboard as shown below.


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From left hand panel user can navigate into different DevTest portal capabilities, he has access to. To explore what tests are available the user will click on Manage menu item where he is presented with available projects in the ResHub as shown above. As you see Demo80 has 2 automated tests and one test suite which can be executed using the right click "Run" context menu. Once the test is initiated user is taken into monitor page where the status of all the tests in different state is shown.


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As you see the summary section shows the count of tests in particular state and the list provides the high level detail of those tests. You can drill into a particular test and see what exactly the test did. By clicking CarsInventoy test I started before, I see following test execution detail page.


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Most exciting thing about this view is that, you not only see the steps executed but also see filters, assertions, data-sets and companion in their execution sequence. Which makes it very easy for even someone who is new to the Application Test see what the test did. For advanced user who wants to analyze further expanding the activity will provide lot more detail. For example below you can see not only the request and response of the REST call but events and properties for further analysis of the test result.


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Following is one of the selenium step which verifies the VIN number in VIN lookup response page.


Screen Shot 2014-10-10 at 6.00.10 PM.png


The goal here was to make it easier to execute and review functional test results. Do you think this will help your teams to be more effective in achieving better collaboration?



TThe 12 Days of DevTest Blog SeriesT

TWELVE Mobile Tests Generated

ELEVEN Selenium UI Test Scripts

TEN JSON assertions and filters

NINE API tests running

EIGHT Transactions Documented

SEVEN well calibrated agents

SIX Agents, protocols, categories intercepted

FIVE Generated assets

FOUR Opaque data types processed

THREE new execution modes

TWO RR pairs added

and A Server-Side Recorder in a DevTest tree!"


