VMware Workstation

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  • 1.  No Internet Access for VM's

    Posted Aug 09, 2024 02:10 PM


    I have this nagging issue where I cannot get internet access on any of my Workstation VM's. I have NAT setup; I can ping the machines from my Windows 11 host, but I cannot get to the internet on any VM's. I can also not ping my Windows 11 guest OS that the workstation application is installed on.

    I have restated the VMware NAT server a few times already, but nothing. I shut down all hosts and restarted the VMware Workstation and still no luck.

    If I ever get it to work, its just so random, and it will only seemingly work for a few minutes, then no more internet. But I don't know what I did, if anything, to get the internet to work for even 5 minutes. 

    I guess, on another note, why would internet access be slow on all of the VM's?

    9 out of 10 times you look at a network adapter on a machine, it almost always says disconnected.

    I running version 17.5.2 build-23775571.

    His software is pretty much unusable for me at this point.

  • 2.  RE: No Internet Access for VM's

    Posted Aug 12, 2024 06:04 AM

    I'm afraid I am struggling to make any sense of your three thread submissions, all containing the same topic, adding more related threads before resolving the first one is somewhat unhelp.

    Constantly Losing Internet Access

    No Internet Access for Ubuntu VM's

    No Internet Access for VM's [this one]

    Due to the lack of specifics of your configuration and setup, and confused as to what is a Host and what are Guests, some clarity might be helpful:

    Assuming that these are 'actual' issues then please elaborate (dealing initially with your first and second threads):

    • you say that "I can also not ping my Windows 11 guest OS that the workstation application is installed on" which implies that the VMware Workstation is running as an embedded instance, is this the case ? [3rd post]
    • you say that "all of my internet access once again is gone on all hosts" do you means hosts connected to your local Ethernet network; the embedded Host; Guests attached to the primary host; or Guests attached to the embedded Host) [1st post]
    • Does the PC/laptop on which the VMware Workstation is installed loose its connection to the Internet at the same time ?
    • Do you loose Internet connection for any embedded instance or Guests whose VMware network configuration is set to Bridged ?

    There are many more questions, but until its clear what your setup is, they may turn out to be superfluous.

  • 3.  RE: No Internet Access for VM's

    Posted Aug 12, 2024 01:25 PM

    Just a couple of more question if I may:

    • Did it work at any time prior to this, then what has changed, and have you tried reverting back ?
    • You say that ". . . get Ubuntu VM's to use NAT and get to the internet. My Windows machines worked fine," [second thread,  Ubuntu VM's] but yet in your other two threads you describe that there are issues across the broad ! 

  • 4.  RE: No Internet Access for VM's

    Posted Aug 12, 2024 01:27 PM

    Well I mostly blame Broadcom's.

    Post #1 - I could never find it after I created it except once, and I'm not sure how I found it that one time. I never received any email/confirmation for any of the posts whatsoever. The one time I found it, I tried to edit and add detail, and then the site freaked out on me; the post literally disappeared, and the site said it no longer existed. Several hours later, it was literally gone.

    Post #2 - Same problem, almost. I created the post but never received confirmation. I couldn't find the post after hitting "post". It was basically gone as well. I only responded, I think, to that one once because someone replied, and that's the only way I got back to it.

    Post#3 - It was me just trying to keep a post I can see and work with but I kept it simple in case it did the same as the other was was a waste of time. I would have added detail later. 

    Now it seems the system all of a sudden wants to work but still not that well.

    If I go to my profile I still don't see my individual posts in order to delete them.

    Barring all of this, I got what I needed from other avenues, and that was just never using NAT again. It seems to be broken and not functioning as it should.

  • 5.  RE: No Internet Access for VM's

    Community Manager
    Posted Aug 12, 2024 01:29 PM

    @wilmars75  you posts show up under your profile (upper right of your browser) then the tab for contributions.  Thx  Jason McClellan, Platform Admin

    Thank you
    Broadcom Community Platform Admin, IT

  • 6.  RE: No Internet Access for VM's

    Posted Aug 12, 2024 05:14 PM

    Jason McClellan The problem wasn't "where" to find the posts. The problem was that they were not there to be found, as I explained.

    Thanks though!

  • 7.  RE: No Internet Access for VM's

    Posted Aug 18, 2024 03:35 AM

    We have a similar problem in the last couple of 17.5.x releases also in 17.5.2 build-23775571.

    The problem for us at the school where we have several teachers each with their own windows PC, all having trouble with that the Guest host system (Windows 10 and Win2022 server) are losing the outgoing connection to the internet eg. cannot browse the internet from a browser in the guest or reach physical PLC's for download of programs). 

    The Physical host windows PC's are a mix of windows 10 and windows 11 with latest updates.

    The workaround was first to reset the virtual network editor connections in Vmware pro - but that is time consuming (it works for us)

    But quicker is to start or stop/start the "VMware NAT service" in the host machine - this also works. Then the client can connect to the internet again.

    It is not quite clear for us what triggers the problem. We think it might be when we e.g. switch from one physical ethernet connection on the host to another. (We move around in the class and connect to different physical PLC's for direct ethernect connections to them)

    But it can also happen at other times.

    For some colleagues this happens many times in one day.

    The Host systems are standard windows office laptops Thinkpad with office 365 etc. The Guest system is windows 10 or win 2022 server with Rockwell Studio 5000 PLC programming software on board.

    The Gust uses NAT to share the hosts IP adress. The guest network settings are left as windows default settings.

    The host has physical Ethernet with Manually set IP adress and subnet for peer to peer net. The host also has DHCP wifi on at the same time.

    I hope this leads to further investigations and bug fix :-)

    Best regards Kelvin from the Aarhus Marine Engineering School in Denmark.