Another answer. In fact we did the choice to have one different CloudTemplate for each Windows/Linux version so it's easier to see directly the OS type of a deployed VM based on its CloudTemplate. The only things that are "dynamic" in the cloudConfig are:
Original Message:
Sent: Dec 18, 2024 08:26 PM
From: craigso
Subject: Best way to run longer complex powershell scripts at provision time?
Another question for you, is there way to do some sort of conditional statement for the the cloudConfig property? Our cloud template for VM provisioning will do multiple OS types. I'd like to do something similar, a config for linux and one for windows. Or at a minimum specifying a different script in the git repo depending on the os type.
I explored passing the cloud config from a vRO action based on OS type. Running into issues with escape characters in the string. Figured I'd ask your doing it. Thanks!
Original Message:
Sent: Dec 17, 2024 01:11 AM
From: LuluTchab
Subject: Best way to run longer complex powershell scripts at provision time?
I also suggest having a look at CloudBaseInit.
In our case, to have the most flexibility, scripts executed on the VM are hosted on an internal GitHub repository. So, basically, in the CloudTemplate, the `#cloudconfig` part just do the following:
- Configure network on the VM
- Download "base" script file on GitHub (different script if Windows or Linux) using GitHub token to authenticate (token is retrieved from a Secret in ServiceBroker)
- Exec the "base" script on the VM (Bash or PowerShell) with some arguments (ie: ImageMapping name, GitHub token, ...)
Then, the "base" script itself identifies more precisely the OS (Windows version, Linux distribution) and downloads another script on GitHub which is specific to the OS, and then just execute it. While executing, the scripts periodically "exposes" its status by writing/updating a JSON file with the information.
And finally, we are using a "" Subscription to periodically (every min) get the content of the JSON file written on the VM (we use "Invoke-VMScript" to do this) and depending on the content, the workflow succeed or failed.
This solution allows us to update very quickly what is configured/installed on a VM in the post provision process because no need to update CloudTemplates, just push another version of the script on GitHub and it works.
Original Message:
Sent: Dec 13, 2024 09:22 AM
From: Brettjojnson
Subject: Best way to run longer complex powershell scripts at provision time?
I'm not sure what all options you have explored, but I have had good sucess with using cloudbase-init.
Windows guest initialization with Cloudbase-Init in vCenter - VMware Cloud Management
Then, you can put as much code as you want in the cloud-init script block of the template itself:
cloudConfig: | #ps1_sysnative #Comment Enter Script Bock here
Original Message:
Sent: Dec 12, 2024 01:44 PM
From: craigso
Subject: Best way to run longer complex powershell scripts at provision time?
As the title states, I'm looking for the best way to run longer complex powershell scripts at the step. Currently running Aria Automation 8.18.1.
Up until this point I've been running basic one or two liners using the built in 'Run program in guest' action to configure things like local passwords and automation accounts using powershell. This has been successful. I now have the need to run a script which is about 200-300 lines of code. Cobbling this into the 'run program in guest' is probably not ideal and would seemingly add some complexity.
My latest attempt was to add a 6 line script with conditional logic into a variable and include this into the arguments.
var arguments = "/k C:\\Windows\\System32\\WindowsPowerShell\\v1.0\\powershell.exe Invoke-Command -scriptblock { start-transcript -path c:\\windows\\temp\\AgentInstall.log; write-host 'Starting install process...';" + ps_environment_prep_script + "; stop-transcript }"
This was close to working, but line breaks get wiped out, which mean you have to edit the actual script to add semicolons to turn it into a one-liner. This is easier to do on 5 lines, but not practical on 300 lines.
Research has shown there might be a way to run powershell with Invoke-VMScript. I've also attempted this, but ran into issues. The execution failed with '12/12/2024 18:41:35 Invoke-VMScript SSPI is not supported on Unix OS.' Which is odd considering it's being pointed at a Windows 2022 box. Either way the process seems like it would experience the same issues since you have to pass the script text as a variable.
Surely there is a better way?