I've successfully installed and added a Windows BareMetal Server to the NSX, however after the installation I've got the following error message: Node has invalid version of software nsx-sfhc.
The configuration of the BM host was successful, the creation of the Segment port also and I attached the application interface without problem. The ping was okay between different VMs which were attached to the different segments and a T1 GW, until the mentioned error showed up.
I checked the logs on the BM server and the error is the same on the host as in the NSX:
1 [comp="nsx-windows subcomp="nsxsfhc"] Software nsx-sfhc version: expect= actual=
1 [comp="nsx-windows subcomp="nsxsfhc"] FindMissingSoftware execution time: 0.000000 seconds
I've checked the ESXi hosts VIBs ( ) and the VIB versions are the same as the error at the BareMetal host.
Has anyone encountered this error, is there a solution?
UPDATE: I've added a new, Oracle BareMetal server to the NSX, and the version is the following: nsx-sfhc-
The soultion: edit on the WinBM server one registry key to the expected value.
Windows Server 2019 V1809, OS Build 17763.3650
NSX Version
Thank you in advance!