CA Service Management

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 Inactivate a bulk of contacts

Ahmer Ali Khan's profile image
Ahmer Ali Khan posted Sep 02, 2024 04:42 AM

Is there a way to inactivate a bulk of contacts in our service desk system without having to do it manually one by one?

Felipe V's profile image
Felipe V

Hi @Ahmer Ali Khan,

You must export a file using the filter and using the follow command below, replace where clause for your filter:

pdm_extract -f "SELECT id, last_name, userid, inactive FROM ca_contact WHERE userid='servicedesk'" > export.txt

It's will generate a export.txt file, You must replace the last value from "0" to "1", salve the new file as UPDATE.txt and then run the command for UPDATE:

pdm_load -f UPDATE.txt -a -v

The command must run on APP server. Execute on dev enviroment first and save the export file for backup.

TECHDOC: pdm_load command