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 Default Incident state to Open (Read Only)

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Arnab M's profile image
Arnab M posted Sep 10, 2024 08:48 AM


Is there a way to default the Incident state to Open (Read Only) at the  time of creation of the Incident. We are running version 17.3.

Thank you,


Jacques Geldenhuys's profile image
Jacques Geldenhuys  Best Answer

Hi Arnab

The way I would achieve this is two-fold

1st Step
Create Data Partition in Service Desk via Admin Tab against the 'Call_Req' Table using the 'Defaults' Constraint Type, the constraint would be "status='OP'" (This will be your default constraint for all Requests/Incidents/Problems)

2nd Step
Make a copy of your NXROOT\CA\Service Desk Manager\bopcfg\www\htmpl\web\analyst\detail_in.htmpl
and paste it to NXROOT\CA\Service Desk Manager\site\mods\www\htmpl\web\analyst\

Edit your NXROOT\CA\Service Desk Manager\site\mods\www\htmpl\web\analyst\detail_in.htmpl file and find the following line

<PDM_MACRO name=dtlDropdown hdr="Status" attr=status factory=crs_in>

Replace this line so it looks like the below

<PDM_IF "$" == "0">
<PDM_MACRO name=dtlReadonly hdr="Status" attr=status>
<PDM_MACRO name=dtlDropdown hdr="Status" attr=status factory=crs_in>

Hope this helps