Hello - I wonder if anyone has found a process to add maintenance to CA7 using ZOMSF process and portable software instances. I am looking for documentation for the process? Thank you, Anthony
Hi Lennie. One way is to have your Automated Operations area DEMAND a dummy job onto CA7 via CA OPS/MVS once the CICS region has opened/closed. And then add this dummy job as a requirement etc.
Hello, Yes you can use comments in the PARMLIB for the various agent jobs including file_trigger jobs. The syntax is: /* ...
Hello, I think this will be a **** yes or no but I would like to confirm. One of our application teams introduced a couple new ...
Join me on January 29 for our next CA 7 Workload Automation roadmap webcast . We'll cover recent enhancements to the product as well as what the CA 7 team is working on next! Register now!