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New JOBCOUNT(LATEST) option for JOBCOPY statement in SAP_JOB

  • 1.  New JOBCOUNT(LATEST) option for JOBCOPY statement in SAP_JOB

    Broadcom Employee
    Posted Sep 19, 2024 04:59 PM
    Dear ESP community,

    We are happy to announce the release of the enhancement LU14311, introducing the new JOBCOUNT(LATEST) parameter for the JOBCOPY statement used in SAP_JOB.
    Specifying JOBCOUNT(LATEST) will allow SAP_JOB to automatically use the most recent job count value from SAP, without the need to specify the job count value manually.
    Please refer to for more details:
    JOBCOPY Statement: Copy an Existing SAP Job

    Jonáš Dusil
    Product Owner | ESP Workload Automation | Mainframe Software Division