Hi Team,
I am using Jasperstudio for the creation of customized reports in CABI Jaspersoft 6.3. In that report, I am using the logo which is an image file stored on the jasperserver itself (in its repository). When I publish the report on Jasperserver and export it to xls/doc format from CABI Jasperserver, the logo is not showing in the exported xls/doc file.
I found some solutions and applied the following settings also:
1. <property name="ignoreGraphics" value="true"/> changed to false in <bean id="xlsExportParameters" class="com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.api.engine.jasperreports.common.XlsExportParametersBean"> section of applicationContext.xml file in WEB-INF folder and also in samples folder.
2. Added in the following property in report module at Jasperstudio, before publish to jasperserver:
<property name="net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.ignore.graphics" value="false"/>
Still after restart of Jasperserver, the logo is not getting exported to xls/doc format.
Kindly provide the solution for this.
Thanks & Regards,