Our configuration is 1 frontend primary server (production) and a database always on cluster with a listener name. I´ve tried all combinations and options.
Original Message:
Sent: Nov 20, 2024 07:29 AM
From: Jean-Pierre Marsan
Subject: CA Service Desk Manager and SQL Always-on Cluster
This tip does work in a classical (1 primary, 1 secondary, 2 database in AAG). There are indeed some messages, but never had to restart the service after a disconnection/reconnection. You didn't say which kind of configuration you run.
Original Message:
Sent: Nov 19, 2024 01:58 AM
From: hermann1815
Subject: CA Service Desk Manager and SQL Always-on Cluster
does anyone else have an idea? I need a valid statement here as to whether this is possible or not. There is not really any help from the Support.
Original Message:
Sent: Jul 29, 2024 01:36 AM
From: hermann1815
Subject: CA Service Desk Manager and SQL Always-on Cluster
Thank you for the answer. So far I have entered the listerner name into the NX.env without pdm_configure and restarted. I also tried to change it like this:
To understand it again. I do a pdm_configure and enter the listerner there. Then I go to the NX.env and change the value DB_NODE to listener-name,MultiSubnetFailover=true?
I think I've tried something like that before, but what does pdm_configure do other than write the name into the DB_NODE variable?
Original Message:
Sent: Jul 26, 2024 11:11 AM
From: Jean-Pierre Marsan
Subject: CA Service Desk Manager and SQL Always-on Cluster
Well, that's not completely true. You can to run pdm_configure against the listener name, and after that you "just" have to update NX_DB_NODE in NX.env to add the multisubnet failover stuff.
Original Message:
Sent: Jul 22, 2024 12:37 AM
From: hermann1815
Subject: CA Service Desk Manager and SQL Always-on Cluster
unfortunately that doesn't work in SDM. You can't specify the parameter here. It's only for catalog. The connection string is hard-coded and there are no options. You can also find out from the documentation..
Original Message:
Sent: Jul 19, 2024 06:13 AM
From: Jean-Pierre Marsan
Subject: CA Service Desk Manager and SQL Always-on Cluster
Did you set your DB_NODE as listener-name[,tcp-port],MultiSubnetFailover=true ?
Original Message:
Sent: Jul 16, 2024 01:02 AM
From: hermann1815
Subject: CA Service Desk Manager and SQL Always-on Cluster
Hello everyone, can someone explain to me how to configure the CA Servicedesk Manager with a SQL Always ON cluster?
We have a lot of clusters and they all work perfectly, but it doesn´t work with SDM.
When we make a failover, the connection to the database breaks and then reconnects. After a few seconds, it breaks again and then it continues again and again. SDM can also be used in between.
The A-Record name (listener) is used as the database server. I don't think the error is on the cluster side.
After recycling the service everything works fine.
SQL Execute failed: [Microsoft SQL Server Native Client 11.0] [ SQL Code=10054 SQL State=08S01] Kommunikationsverbindungsfehler; [Microsoft SQL Server Native Client 11.0] [ SQL Code=10054 SQL State=08S01] TCP-Anbieter: Eine vorhandene Verbindung wurde vom Remotehost geschlossen.
sdm sqlagt:Audit_Log eve 448 SIGNIFICANT sqlclass.c 484 Successfully logged back on to SQL Server