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Overview of the Free Version of CA Gen

By Anon Anon posted May 24, 2016 05:22 PM


The free version of CA Gen consists of all the tools that can be installed with the Windows installation of CA gen minus the Windows Client / Server Encyclopedia.  This allows any applications to be created that run on a Windows target to be created including Windows GUI, server and block-mode, Java web and EJBs, and ASP.NET clients and .NET servers.  The caveats are that only new models (models that are created with the free version of CA Gen and have never been uploaded to an encyclopedia) may be edited with the free version of CA Gen and the functionality to upload, download and create new models in an encyclopedia are not provided.


The free version of CA Gen provided on the EDGE community will be kept at the same level as the GA version of Gen but will not be updated with PTFs; it will only be updated whenever a new release or incremental release of CA Gen is released.  Support for the free version of CA Gen is provided solely via the EDGE community.  If you have questions or comments about the free version of CA Gen, please create discussions in the EDGE community that include the tag "freecagen".


Note that the Gen documentation is freely available on the web (CA Technologies Documentation) and there is a link to the 8.6 documentation (upon which the free version of Gen is based) on the home page of the download site.