Hi there,
Mentioned first on William's blog here: https://williamlam.com/2022/09/homelab-considerations-for-vsphere-8.html
I had trouble deploying vSphere 8 with PXE in the first place but now I'm facing another issue: the second part of my kickstart is apparently not taken into consideration (mentioned as "Stage 02 - Post installation")
This configuration is still working with 7.X
This is an extract (I've more commands for the network part, but as the host doesn't have the second vswitch nor being in maintenance mode, I think this complete second section of the ks is ignored.
##### Stage 01 - Pre installation:
### Accept the VMware End User License Agreement
### Set the root password for the DCUI and Tech Support Mode
rootpw mysecretpass
### The install media (priority: local / remote / USB)
install --firstdisk=local --overwritevmfs --ignoreprereqwarnings --ignoreprereqerrors --forceunsupportedinstall
### Set the keyboard layout
keyboard "Swiss German"
### Set the network to DHCP on the first network adapter
network --bootproto=dhcp --device=vmnic0
### Reboot ESXi Host
reboot --noeject
##### Stage 02 - Post installation:
### Open busybox and launch commands
%firstboot --interpreter=busybox
### Enable maintaince mode
esxcli system maintenanceMode set -e true
### Set Search Domain
esxcli network ip dns search add --domain=mydomain.local
## Add second vSwitch & portgroup
esxcli network vswitch standard add --vswitch-name=vSwitch1
esxcli network vswitch standard portgroup add -v vSwitch1 -p "VSAN Network"
----- some more network settings----
### Disable IPv6 support (reboot is required)
esxcli network ip set --ipv6-enabled=false
## register with vcenter
esxcli network firewall ruleset set -e true -r httpClient
wget --no-check-certificate -O vcenter80.py https://webserverip/VMware/vcenter80.py
/bin/python vcenter80.py
### Reboot
esxcli system shutdown reboot -d 15 -r "rebooting after ESXi 8.0 host configuration"
Don't know if anything changed from the syntax point of view but where can I start looking ?
(I looked the esxi_install.log but there is a lot in there)
Thanks in advance for your help!