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  • 1.  VMWare software quality is now utterly terrible

    Posted Sep 30, 2023 04:44 AM

    Is there any sort of actual quality control any more at VMWare?


    I ask, because almost everything gets worse, and makes my life more and more difficult with every iteration of "progress".


    Take for example something so very simple... the recent tasks area at the bottom of the screen in vCenter 8.0.2. You can resize all the columns so that you can get back to the nice condensed single line format, without word wrapping in the boxes, except you cant.

    All the columns are resizable, except the very last one, so NO MATTER what you do, the final Server Column will ALWAYS WORD WRAP, so you are left with hideous fat rows, meaning you cant really see what is going on.

    I am almost 100% sure it was always the case that all columns could be resized, but it just smacks of sheer laziness, or poor quality control, and makes me wonder if anyone is actually testing anything at VMWare any more.

    Some of the UI decisions are utterly terrible, it genuinely makes me question the "skills" of the person doing the coding, or making such moronic decisions like having little X's on the icons in the tree, which makes it look like something is wrong.

    I've lost faith in VMWare products, and the so called quality control. You now notice so many little bugs, foibles, and irritations which never used to be there before, and simply make your life a misery when it comes to basic administration.

    The new UI is absolute rubbish. I struggle to make out the icons, and the lack of colours makes everything ugly. It boggles my mind that a huge team of UI "experts" can make such shocking decisions, but I guess UI guys have to be seen to be doing SOMEthing right?

    VMWare, get a grip, I'm close to ditching all your products and shoving everything into the cloud, I have reached the point where its not worth the expensive outlay any more. Sorry. Round in circles we go until another genius has a bright idea for yet another UI revamp, making things worse, and round and round we go. 


  • 2.  RE: VMWare software quality is now utterly terrible

    Posted Oct 02, 2023 03:49 PM

    VMware Technical support team can help you with your issue!  

  • 3.  RE: VMWare software quality is now utterly terrible

    Posted Oct 26, 2023 09:45 AM

    I came here looking to see if I was the only person that is utterly frustrated by the inability to set static column sizes. I thought it might be browser related and I was wrong. I upgraded to the latest version yesterday and it is even worse than it was before. EVERY SINGLE REFRESH / SCREEN UPDATE resets the pane. It is driving me nuts.

    Even the lifecycle controller patch update panes dont allow resizing when you have more than 3 patch / update policies.

    It used to be these quality of life / use features that made the VMware Experience stand out as exceptional. 


  • 4.  RE: VMWare software quality is now utterly terrible

    Posted Oct 27, 2023 06:07 AM

    Same here, upgrade from 8.0.1 to 8.0.2 does work but some ESXi server are in a 'not responding" state.

    Result: no vMotion possible, no backups, maintenance mode not possible.

    Also the look & feel is rubbish, the column width is a nightmare, like the rest of the gui.

    VMware get a grip and make stable versions again.

    Test new releases more!!

  • 5.  RE: VMWare software quality is now utterly terrible

    Posted 5 days ago

    anything changed since this post? is there a bypass to this issue? it's really hard working like this...