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  • 1.  VMWare network design DR solution

    Posted Nov 22, 2011 08:40 AM

    Dear all,

    I am looking for the best Storage replication / VMWare solution / network design for the following situation:

    - Site A 2 x ESX, 1 SAN, subnet. 192.168.1.x

    - Site B 1 x ESX, 1 SAN, subnet. 192.168.2.x

    I have 1 VMWare Essentials Plus kit (up to 3 hosts and 1 vcenter)

    - Should I manage both sites with vcenter on site A?

    - Can I define one cluster for Site A en one cluster for Site B on the same vcenter?

    - one or 2 clusters (HA can't start servers from site A on B because of different subnets, so I guess 1?)

    - volumes will be replicated between Site A en Site B

              - what is the best way to design the network so Site A can use Site B as failover and vice versa?

              - I guess i need to manually change router configuration on active site when one site fails?

    Any input really appreciated...

    Kind regards,


  • 2.  RE: VMWare network design DR solution

    Posted Nov 22, 2011 10:31 AM

    Both the ESX host can be managed by single vcenter as long as Site A and Site B esx are able to communicate to vcenter and with required ports are open.

    No need to create cluster at all as we got a total of only 2 servers. As you can create a datacenter and add host directly to the datacenter.wiht server name siteAesx and siteBesx.

    - volumes will be replicated between Site A en Site B

              - what is the best way to design the network so Site A can use Site B as failover and vice versa?

    Same network Vlan has to be there in site A and site in case of failover replication between storage can be breaked and vm in the site B will be regirested to ESX host in site B and start providing services.

              - I guess i need to manually change router configuration on active site when one site fails?

    Yes there should a policy or a rule placed that when router in site A is not aviable the traffic should go via router in site B. Speak to your network admin on this.

    Award point for the helpful and correct answer by clicking the below tab :smileyhappy:

  • 3.  RE: VMWare network design DR solution

    Posted Nov 26, 2011 06:53 AM

    Your sites are in the same building?

    If yes consider use the same network address.

    If not, you must plan how reconfigure the network for your VMs (SRM can handle this, but it does not work with the Essential bundles).