Found this thread on google since I was having the same problem. All of a sudden ESXi was flooding FreeNAS with mount requests, in my case for a share that was very old and hadn't existed for months. I managed to resolve it!
esxcli storage nfs list
showed nothing (after detaching the new share for good measure), as did
esxcli storage core detached list
In my case it was trying to mount /mnt/PersonalPool/Software/ISOs, which had since been migrated (and was mounted and working fine) to /mnt/MainPool/Software/ISOs.
I was unable to convince FreeNAS to create a new share by just mkdir'ing the path back into existance, since it wasn't part of a ZFS volume, it said no-go.
What did work was creating a symbolic link!
mkdir -p /mnt/PersonalPool/Software
cd /mnt/PersonalPool/Software
ln -s /mnt/MainPool/Software/ISOs
After creating the link, The mount went through, and I was able to then detach it from the web interface. I then removed the symbolic link and cleaned up the unneeded folders in /mnt.