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  • 1.  ESXi 7.0 NFS v4.1 Not mounting

    Posted May 12, 2020 07:22 PM

    I ran into something today that I think could be a bug.

    Trying to mount an NFS 4.1 share with :

    esxcli storage nfs41 add -H -s /data/nfstest -v nfstest

    results in:

    Unable to complete Sysinfo operation.  Please see the VMkernel log file for more details.: Timeout

    Running tcpdump from the NFS server shows that ESXi issues an arp request, but never follows up with communication.

    I can ping the NFS server from the host and furthermore:

    [root@esx:~] nc -z 2049

    Connection to 2049 port [tcp/nfs] succeeded!

    vmkernel.log shows the following relevant lines:

    2020-05-12T19:06:44.598Z cpu3:2099718 opID=997a8ef8)World: 12458: VC opID esxcli-0f-b668 maps to vmkernel opID 997a8ef8

    2020-05-12T19:06:44.598Z cpu3:2099718 opID=997a8ef8)NFS41: NFS41_VSIMountSet:403: Mount server:, port: 2049, path: /data/nfstest, label: nfstest, security: 1 user: , options: <none>

    2020-05-12T19:06:44.598Z cpu3:2099718 opID=997a8ef8)StorageApdHandler: 976: APD Handle  Created with lock[StorageApd-0x431d75a03540]

    2020-05-12T19:06:44.598Z cpu3:2099718 opID=997a8ef8)NFS41: NFS41_ConnectionLookup:785: Created new connection for address tcp

    2020-05-12T19:06:59.601Z cpu12:2107491)WARNING: SunRPC: 3936: fail all pending calls for client 0x430944c01370 IP (socket disconnected)

    2020-05-12T19:07:14.600Z cpu3:2099718 opID=997a8ef8)WARNING: NFS41: NFS41FSWaitForCluster:3702: Failed to wait for the cluster to be located: Timeout

    2020-05-12T19:07:14.600Z cpu3:2099718 opID=997a8ef8)WARNING: NFS41: NFS41_FSMount:4814: NFS41FSDoMount failed: Timeout

    2020-05-12T19:07:14.600Z cpu6:2098147)NFS41: NFS41_ConnectionRemove:1071: Connection: 0x431d75a042f0 [55] addr: tcp

    2020-05-12T19:07:14.600Z cpu3:2099718 opID=997a8ef8)StorageApdHandler: 1062: Freeing APD handle 0x431d75a03540 []

    2020-05-12T19:07:14.600Z cpu3:2099718 opID=997a8ef8)StorageApdHandler: 1146: APD Handle freed!

    2020-05-12T19:07:14.600Z cpu3:2099718 opID=997a8ef8)WARNING: NFS41: NFS41_VSIMountSet:411: NFS41_FSMount failed: Timeout

    2020-05-12T19:07:14.601Z cpu6:2098147)SunRPC: 1104: Destroying world 0x202863

    Note the IP Where did it get .8.1 from?? Between seeing the additional numbers on the address and not seeing communication (besides a single arp request) via tcpdump on the nfs server, it looks to me like NFS might be buggy on ESXi 7. Unless I'm missing something, but I have had good luck with NFS on previous versions of ESXi.

    Updated before posting
    I attempted using esxcli storage nfs add -H -s /data/nfstest -v nfstest with a result of:

    2020-05-12T19:14:50.383Z cpu12:2099721 opID=58765395)World: 12458: VC opID esxcli-4a-b6a0 maps to vmkernel opID 58765395

    2020-05-12T19:14:50.383Z cpu12:2099721 opID=58765395)NFS: 162: Command: (mount) Server: ( IP: ( Path: (/data/nfstest) Label: (nfstest) Options: (None)

    2020-05-12T19:14:50.383Z cpu12:2099721 opID=58765395)StorageApdHandler: 976: APD Handle 05893e1b-b8b24cee Created with lock[StorageApd-0x431d23c028b0]

    2020-05-12T19:15:00.551Z cpu15:2099721 opID=58765395)SunRPC: 3306: Synchronous RPC abort for client 0x430944c01370 IP proc 3 xid 0x5066cf32 attempt 1 of 3

    2020-05-12T19:15:11.551Z cpu15:2099721 opID=58765395)SunRPC: 3306: Synchronous RPC abort for client 0x430944c01370 IP proc 3 xid 0x5066cf32 attempt 2 of 3

    2020-05-12T19:15:22.551Z cpu15:2099721 opID=58765395)SunRPC: 3306: Synchronous RPC abort for client 0x430944c01370 IP proc 3 xid 0x5066cf32 attempt 3 of 3

    2020-05-12T19:15:22.551Z cpu15:2099721 opID=58765395)SunRPC: 1104: Destroying world 0x202877

    2020-05-12T19:15:22.551Z cpu15:2099721 opID=58765395)StorageApdHandler: 1062: Freeing APD handle 0x431d23c028b0 [05893e1b-b8b24cee]

    2020-05-12T19:15:22.551Z cpu15:2099721 opID=58765395)StorageApdHandler: 1146: APD Handle freed!

    2020-05-12T19:15:22.551Z cpu15:2099721 opID=58765395)NFS: 173: NFS mount failed: Unable to connect to NFS server.

    In this one it shows IP NFSv3 is enabled on the server side. Running tcpdump on the NFS server shows a similar lack of layer 3 communication after the arp requests.

    NFS seems to load successfully on boot and my network interfaces are on the HCL.

    2020-05-12T04:44:12.366Z cpu11:2097688)Activating Jumpstart plugin nfs.

    2020-05-12T04:44:12.366Z cpu12:2097716)Activating Jumpstart plugin nfs41.

    2020-05-12T04:44:12.448Z cpu23:2097649)Loading module nfsclient ...

    2020-05-12T04:44:12.471Z cpu23:2097649)Elf: 2048: module nfsclient has license VMware

    2020-05-12T04:44:12.474Z cpu23:2097649)FSS: 1153: Registered fs nfs, module 4e, fsTypeNum 0xb00f

    2020-05-12T04:44:12.474Z cpu23:2097649)VProbe: 802: Loaded   3 static probes from: nfsclient

    2020-05-12T04:44:12.474Z cpu23:2097649)Mod: 4997: Initialization of nfsclient succeeded with module ID 78.

    2020-05-12T04:44:12.474Z cpu23:2097649)nfsclient loaded successfully.

    2020-05-12T04:44:12.497Z cpu11:2097688)Jumpstart plugin nfs activated.

    2020-05-12T04:44:12.516Z cpu23:2097649)Loading module nfs41client ...

    2020-05-12T04:44:12.541Z cpu23:2097649)Elf: 2048: module nfs41client has license VMware

    2020-05-12T04:44:12.549Z cpu23:2097649)VProbe: 802: Loaded   5 static probes from: nfs41client

    2020-05-12T04:44:12.549Z cpu23:2097649)Mod: 4997: Initialization of nfs41client succeeded with module ID 79.

    2020-05-12T04:44:12.549Z cpu23:2097649)nfs41client loaded successfully.

    2020-05-12T04:44:12.573Z cpu12:2097716)Jumpstart plugin nfs41 activated.

    2020-05-12T04:44:25.332Z cpu3:2097682)Activating Jumpstart plugin restore-nfs-volumes.

    2020-05-12T04:44:25.351Z cpu3:2097682)Jumpstart plugin restore-nfs-volumes activated.

  • 2.  RE: ESXi 7.0 NFS v4.1 Not mounting
    Best Answer

    Posted May 13, 2020 06:08 AM

    Update, and Solution

    Since other clients have used NFS successfully on the network I didn't think twice about the switch being an issue. For my lab I am using an Aruba/HP 2530-24G Switch (J9776A). While looking at the switch configuration I came across an interesting line towards the top:

    (Switch)# show config




    no cdp run

    aruba-central disable


    According to HP:

    Denial-of-service (DoS) attack filtering: automatically filters and drops common DoS attack traffic types

    Well this seemed interesting so I ran :

    (Switch)# show dos-filter

    Denial of Service packet filtering:  Enabled

    Maybe it's seeing NFS between the NFS server and esxi host as DoS traffic? I'll disable it and try to mount the NFS datastore again

    (Switch)# no dos-filter

    :smileygrin: It worked!!! The esxi host was succesfully able to mount the NFS share.

    I have no idea why the switch seemed to allow other NFS connections, and it doesn't appear to be configurable (it just 'automatically' filters things it doesn't like). I am also still curious about the IP and IP in vmkernel logs on the host, but for now I can sleep happily knowing that the two are talking.

  • 3.  RE: ESXi 7.0 NFS v4.1 Not mounting

    Posted Jan 03, 2022 10:08 PM

    Thanks for the tips on the DoS filter !

    For the record it was the DoS option "SYN sPort less 1024" on my switch which was blocking NFS mount

  • 4.  RE: ESXi 7.0 NFS v4.1 Not mounting

    Posted Oct 22, 2023 11:43 AM

    hello, I've also encountered the .8.1 anomaly associated with a NFS 4.1 mount failure ( after rebooting of the host
    vmkernel.log shows:


    2023-10-22T10:54:46.059Z In(182) vmkernel: cpu4:524534)NFS41: NFS41_ConnectionLookup:804: Created new connection for address tcp
    2023-10-22T10:54:46.059Z In(182) vmkernel: cpu0:524819)CpuSched: 873: user latency of 524883 RPC-tx- 0 changed by 524819 NFS41SMConnQueue-0 -6
    2023-10-22T10:54:46.060Z Wa(180) vmkwarning: cpu0:524819)WARNING: NFS41: NFS41ProcessConnConnect:3623: RPC connection failure for address tcp Failure
    2023-10-22T10:55:16.062Z In(182) vmkernel: cpu0:524819)NFS41: NFS41_ConnectionRemove:1089: Connection: 0x430d63804120 [0] addr: tcp


    I'll obviously check the switch but I presume a workaround for the moment would be to add the following lines to cron..(?):


    [root@DESKTOP-B5T7:~] esxcfg-nas -d MyNAS
    NAS volume MyNAS deleted.
    [root@DESKTOP-B5T7:~] esxcfg-nas -a -o -s /data/vmware1 -v 4.1 MyNAS
    Connecting to NAS volume: MyNAS
    MyNAS created and connected.