1. I log into freshly deployed vSphere Client 7.0 Web GUI: https://myvsphereclient.mydomain.co.uk/ui/
2. Go to Administration -> Certificates -> Certificate Management -> Machine SSL Certificate -> Actions -> Import and Replace Certificate
3. Choose "Replace with external CA certificate (requires private key)" -> NEXT
4. Browse to and upload our wildcard multidomain SAN certificate files issued by Sectigo. We happily use the same certificate for dozens of subdomains in dozens of different places including https://www.matrixscience.com
5. Machine SSL Certificate -> cert.crt
6. Chain of trusted root certificates -> ssl-bundle.crt
7. Private Key -> keyfile.key
8. Click REPLACE
"Error occurred while fetching tls: Invalid input certificate : The Subject of the provided certificate does not contain the correct CN value"
Same error when uploading files in .pem format.
What is it complaining about?
How to fix it i.e. replace self signed default SSL certificate with our own (without issuing a brand new certificate)?