There are quite a few ways to accomplish what you are attempting. Probably the easiest is to fully automate this if your network team has an api you could call. They can set aside blocks of addresses for you then you can let vRA manage the ip space and then kick off a workflow to update your internal ip address management. If there is no api it could send the information via email. You can also create a vRO wrapper that does all the prep work then deploys the cloud template once you've received all the information that is needed. You have many options and if you look in these forums you'll find plenty of examples. Same for the documentation and external blogs.
Original Message:
Sent: Nov 14, 2024 03:28 AM
From: brietmax
Subject: aria automation blueprint with static IP
My company work with static IP but not IPAM.
I try to create a blureprint with a workflow to send a email to network team to ask network config and enter the network return value on the deployment task
is it a way to do that