Workload Automation

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Transcript Office Hours: CA Workload Automation dSeries Edition (DE) [Nov. 12th] 

Nov 12, 2015 11:14 AM

Lenn Thompson (CA) :

Good morning, everyone. Let's get started. What questions do you have for our DE team?


Lenn Thompson (CA) :

@April -- do you have any questions for the team this morning?


Nitin Pande (CA) :

@April:  How are you doing?


April Merritt :

  1. um.. thinking.  Most of my questions normally center around upcoming items.


April Merritt :

  1. i.e. Web clients, instead of downloadables, enhancements.


April Merritt :

Normally I ask those questions of the guys I talk to, I wanted to see what other people were asking mostly.


April Merritt :

@Nitin, I am doing well.


Dave :

Is this session focused on DE or AE?


Nitin Pande (CA) :

@Dave.  Hi


Lenn Thompson (CA) :

@Dave Good morning. This month's session is focused on DE.


Nitin Pande (CA) :

@Dave this is for DE


Dave :



Joseph Neumann :



Srinivas(CA) :

@April, the next Service Pack on top of R12 delivers a modern Web-UI for DE


April Merritt :

@Srinivas - when is that projects?  And will it be backwards compatible or only available 12SP1 and above?


April Merritt :



April Merritt :

My Mac users are getting rather anxious to get that.


Srinivas(CA) :

@April, when we deliver modern Web-UI, it supports only R12 SP1 and above...will not be backward compatible


Srinivas(CA) :

@April, when you are asking for backward compatible with R11.3, it will not


April Merritt :

thank you


Srinivas(CA) :

@April, we will let you know soon when we start the R12 SP1 project


Srinivas(CA) :

@Sharon, good morning for joining Office Hours. Do you have any questions for team?


Steven Bartolini :

Good morning, everyone. Today's focus is on DE. What questions do you have for the DE team?


sharon :

Good morning, no i didn't have questions just joined to see what everyone was talking about


Lenn Thompson (CA) :

@Sharon Thank you for joining us!


April Merritt :

@Team:  Are there any documents out about best practices for schedule architecture.  I have always wondered.  Example: We tend to break down our apps into smaller chunks to make them more manageable, but that tends to lend a lot of issues with externals. 


Justin Hubbard :

@April Can you clarify externals?


April Merritt :

@Justin: Externals.. as in external job type.  The jobs that connect an application with a job  another application.


Ramesh (CA) :

@April: what issues were encountered with externals?


April Merritt :

@Team - 2nd question. We allow our developers to create and manage their own QA schedules.  However when we move them into production, I find myself correcting may items that could be avoided if we had some sort of controllable validations feature.  Like Application Defaults, Job names (which tend to lead to issues with externals), and other items.  Is there some sort of plan to allow administrators to set up custom constraints that could pop an error our before it allows uploads to keep users following set up standards for applications/jobs? 


Justin Hubbard :

@April Breaking applications into smaller chunks can make application management easier however depending on your event triggering mechanism you can end up needing more active applications (particularly with cyclics). This can lead to performance issues however R12's multithreaded event processing can help mitigate some of these.


April Merritt :

@Justin: Back to the original question - is there some sort of best practices document on how to on schedule architecture?


Justin Hubbard :

@April - the CA wiki has well as sections of the Deployment Best Practices guide cover this in some detail. I will follow up with links


Justin Hubbard :

@April - CA Wiki for DE:


Justin Hubbard :

@April - link to deployment guide


April Merritt :

@Justin: Thank you. It will at least give me some direction for training new members of the team.


Srinivas(CA) :

@April, here is the link for Deployment Best Practices direct download -


Justin Hubbard :

@April - For the Externals have you thought about utilizing identical global variables within external definitions to define the home application


April Merritt :

@Justin: I have not. How would that benefit?


Ramesh (CA) :

@April: we can have global-variable defined one for home-application-name and another for home-job-name


Justin Hubbard :

@April - By utilizing a global variable with in the definition the application can be developed in dev and migrated to prod. The variable would be defined specifically for dev and prod environments


Ramesh (CA) :

@April: so that both Home-application and external-application should use the same global-variables


Ramesh (CA) :

@April: for any changes for home-applicaiton-name or home-job requires update for global-variables


Ramesh (CA) :

so both would be in sync when they are changed


April Merritt :

@Ramesh: hmmm... I see. Do you have any documents on functional examples?


Justin Hubbard :

@April I will reach out to separately via email perhaps we can set up a time to talk review this with yuo


April Merritt :



April Merritt :

@Justin: Thank you. Its nice to hear how others do things. Thus far, its been "throw stuff at the wall and see what sticks" kind of stuff.


Justin Hubbard :

@Everyone R12 was just released a few weeks ago. Does an anyone have any questions on some of the new features or the upgrade process?


Justin Hubbard :

@April No problem. I will reach out later today and we set up a time to dig deeper into this


April Merritt :

@Justin: How long does the in place upgrade normally take?


April Merritt :

@Justin: Is there a known issues list yet?


Justin Hubbard :

@April - it does depend on the volume however for the complete execution (Primary and standby) you should expect no longer than 30 minutes to complete


April Merritt :

WOW!  I am excited!


Justin Hubbard :

@April - there are currently no known issues. The required steps are detailed in the wiki link I sent earlier


Srinivas(CA) :

@April, we have clear backout procedure documented at WIKI as well for this. This is in case if there are any unforeseen issues in in-place upgrade process. one can easily revert back to R11.3


Lenn Thompson (CA) :

Are there any other questions for our team today?


Srinivas(CA) :

@April, we need you to take the backup of R11.3 Database prior to in-place upgrade so that we can use it during backout steps.


April Merritt :

@Srinivas:  Thank you. I saw that


Justin Hubbard :

@Sharon Do you have any questions?


sharon :

no i don't


Lenn Thompson (CA) :

Thanks for joining everyone. We'll get the transcript posted later today!

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