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Tech Tips: Best Practices Installing and Verifying DevTest Out of the Box 

Jul 21, 2016 09:23 AM


Best practices cookbook when doing a new DevTest installation and verifying just out of the box, with H2 (IAM), Derby (Enterprise Dashboard and Registry) and ACL.



Condensed listing of the important points to be concerned with when doing a new DevTest installation. Should always follow the installation procedures in our online documentation.



All supported DevTest Releases and Platforms.



  • Read online documentation Release Notes
  • Make sure you have a valid license if on DevTest 10.6.0. As of DevTest 10.7.0 and forward we install an embedded license. Or if you have a PLA, you can enter that information on install.  
  • Make sure you have downloaded the right version of the software. 
  • Read online documentation Installing section.  Verify all System Requirements to make sure you have the recommended memory and space requirements.
  • Decide whether this is going to be an upgrade in place (installing in the same folder as previous release) or a completely new install.  If you are going to use the same database from a previous version with the new version (as long as it is not before DevTest 9.0) , backup the database first, so if you have any problems you have a backup to go to.  DO NOT copy the data in the database from a previous version to your new tables.  If you need to keep the previous data let DevTest upgrade the schema to use with the new version.
  • Before doing an install, especially on UNIX or Linux, make sure you have enough space on the target machine.  The installer will unpack the files to the /tmp folder and if not big enough could get the following error: No space left on device.  
  • Install the software. Follow the install wizard.  The license file is only associated with the Enterprise Dashboard and will be prompted for only when installing a new Enterprise Dashboard.  You only need 1 license file, it can be used on multiple machines unless you have a license tied to MAC address, then you would need multiple licenses for each Enterprise Dashboard.  Not a problem when installing with PLA.
  • Once the software is installed, DO NOT copy previous version files to your new install.
    • If you need to change a property to a different value than what is delivered in, update the or files. These are delivered as templates, so copy to and to, etc.  The file should never be modified because if doing an upgrade in place the file will get overwritten, also the file get overwritten as well, so take a backup before upgrading. You can then add the previous properties in your earlier version to the properties file in the new version.  
    • Properties files are evaluated in the following order:
      • take precedence over
      • takes precedence over and
      • Command line and vmoptions files takes precedence over all properties defined in any of the properties files.


Note: is only used when configuring the Enterprise Dashboard to use an external database and/or setting keystore information for using with the Enterprise Dashboard.

  • Once the software is installed, DO NOT copy any earlier or later versions of a deliverable jar file to any of the folders.
  • If you are installing your components on different machines, make the appropriate updates to point to the correct, IAM and in the file and Enterprise Dashboard in the file for where the Registry is running and the correct Registry in the file for where each Coordinator, Simulator and VSE is running.  The Broker must run on the same machine as the Registry.  You may also make the appropriate property updates in the .vmoptions files instead of the .properties files.
  • If you are using H2 or Derby, make sure the user that will start Enterprise Dashboard and Registry services, has the proper permissions on the $LISA_HOME folder.
  • Always follow this order when starting the DevTest components:
    • Identity Access Manager 
    • Enterprise Dashboard
    • Registry
    • Portal
    • Broker
    • Virtual Service Catalog if using
    • These need be started after the Portal:
      • Coordinator, then Simulator
      • VSE
  • Verify all your DevTest components are up and running by:
      • Bring up Identity Access Manager URL https://<hostname or IP>:51111 
      • Bring up Virtual Service Catalog URL https://<hostname or IP>:51110 
      • Bring up Enterprise Dashboard URL http://<hostname or IP>:1506
      • Bring up Portal URL http://<hostname or IP>:1507/devtest


Additional Information:

Always make sure you have enough space on the target machine you are installing to.

Always best to verify out of the box before adding in External Database and Security configurations.

Please open a new case with Broadcom Support if cannot verify with these documentation and these instructions.


When doing an installation that is distributed, put hostname and IP addresses into the hosts file so your computer does not have to ask a DNS server to translate the domain name into an IP number. This speeds up access to the host site you want to see because your computer no longer has to query other systems on the Internet for the address translation.**



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