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Tech Tip: Upgrade CCC 2.94 Apache Tomcat to 8.5.29 

Apr 04, 2018 06:03 AM

Apache released a patch for Tomcat to address several vulnerabilities arising from recent internet attacks. Upgrade your CCC 2.9.4 Apache Tomcat installation by following these steps:

  1. Download the latest Apache Tomcat patch using the following links:
  2. Extract the zip/tar file. The folder structure should look as follows:

  3. Follow the instructions that correspond to your operating system.


Upgrade Instructions for CCC 2.9.4 on Windows

    1. Stop the existing Apache Tomcat service.
    2. Capture your current Apache Tomcat 7.0 CA_CCC service settings to reuse them after the upgrade:
      1. Open a command prompt and navigate to <ccc-install-folder>\ApacheTomcat\bin
      2. Execute the command: tomcat7w.exe //ES//CA_CCC
      3. Make a note of the 'Initial memory pool' and ' Maximum memory pool' settings.
    3. Delete the existing Apache Tomcat 7.0 CA_CCC service:
      1. Open a command prompt and navigate to <ccc-install-folder>\ApacheTomcat\bin
      2. Execute the command: service.bat uninstall CA_CCC
      3. Refresh services and close the command prompt.
    4. Rename the ApacheTomcat folder from <ccc-install-folder>\ApacheTomcat to <ccc-install-folder>\ApacheTomcat_Backup.
    5. Copy the extracted apache-tomcat-8.5.29 folder and paste it into the <ccc-install-folder>.
    6. Rename the apache-tomcat-8.5.29 folder in <ccc-install-folder> to ApacheTomcat.
    7. Delete the conf and webapps subfolders from <ccc-install-folder>\ApacheTomcat.
    8. Copy the conf and webapps folders from <ccc-install-folder>\ApacheTomcat_Backup and paste them into <ccc-install-folder>\ApacheTomcat.
    9. Copy the file from <ccc-install-folder> and paste it into <ccc-install-folder>\ApacheTomcat\webapps\ccc\WEB-INF\classes, replacing the file that is already present in this folder.
    10. Go to <ccc-install-folder>\ApacheTomcat\conf and open the server.xml file. Search for "JasperListener" and comment the Listener tag as follows:
    11. Go to <ccc-install-folder>\ApacheTomcat\conf and open the web.xml file. Search for "JspServlet". Edit the file by adding an <init-param> tag as follows:

    12. To create the Apache Tomcat 8.5 service, open a command prompt, navigate to <ccc-install-folder>\ApacheTomcat\bin and execute the following commands:
      service.bat install CA_CCC
      tomcat8.exe //US//CA_CCC --Jvm="<ccc-install-folder>\jre\bin\server\jvm.dll" ^ --Startup=auto ^  --JvmMs=<initial memory>^ --JvmMx=<max memory>


            Note: Replace <initial memory> with the initial memory value captured in step 2. Replace <max memory> with the maximum memory pool value captured in step 2.

        13. Refresh services.

        14. Start the Apache Tomcat 8.5 service and run the application.


Upgrade Instructions for CCC 2.9.4 on Linux

  1. Stop the existing Apache Tomcat service.
  2. Rename the ApacheTomcat folder from <ccc-install-folder>/ApacheTomcat to <ccc-install-folder>/ApacheTomcat_Backup.
  3. Copy the extracted apache-tomcat-8.5.29 folder and paste it into the <ccc-install-folder>.
  4. Rename the apache-tomcat-8.5.29 folder in <ccc-install-folder> to ApacheTomcat.
  5. Delete the conf and webapps subfolders from <ccc-install-folder>/ApacheTomcat.
  6. Copy the conf and webapps folders from <ccc-install-folder>/ApacheTomcat_Backup and paste them into <ccc-install-folder>/ApacheTomcat.
  7. Copy the file from <ccc-install-folder> and paste it into <ccc-install-folder>/ApacheTomcat/webapps/ccc/WEB-INF/classes, replacing the file that is already present in this directory.
  8. To capture the existing Apache Tomcat 7.0 settings, copy the file from the <ccc-install-folder>/ApacheTomcat_Backup/bin directory to <ccc-install-folder>/ApacheTomcat/bin.
  9. Go to <ccc-install-folder>/ApacheTomcat/conf and open the server.xml file. Search for "JasperListener" and comment the Listener tag as follows:
  10. Go to <ccc-install-folder>/ApacheTomcat/conf and open the web.xml file. Search for "JspServlet". Edit the file by adding an <init-param> tag as follows:

  11. Start the Apache Tomcat 8.5 service and run the application.

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