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Tech Tip: NFA 9.1.3 data disappearing 

Mar 20, 2015 09:38 AM


In NFA 9.1.3 Standalone and Distributed users may experience a sudden loss of visibility of the Report Graphs for 15 minute data if on a 3-Tier system or both 1 and 15 minute data on a 2-Tier System.

The data in the background will still be collected and processed however it will look as if all the data is not there.

It will say “No Network Flow Analysis data available.” when looking at Interface report graphs.

On a 3 tier system the way to resolve this temporarily was to restart the server or just the Windows NetQoS NQMySql51 service itself on ALL of the DSA’s.  If on a 2 tier system then the same service would have to be restarted on the ALL Harvester Servers/Standalone Server.  Once restarted the graphs will immediately show data again.


This defect is only found in NFA 9.1.3 only.  The issue is reproduced by executing a Custom Report which has a ‘Time Filter’ option set.  For example if you set the ‘Time Filter’ to ‘Business Hours’ it should further narrow down the data for the report a user desires to hours (Monday through Friday, 8AM-5PM) within the defined Time period.

This issue only occurs at the moment a report with a time filter setting is set.  If you just set the report to a certain Time Period then you will not experience the issue.


This issue has been resolved for NFA 9.2.  NFA 9.2 is available for download now. It is highly recommended that users who are on NFA 9.1.3 upgrade to NFA 9.2.

If a user cannot upgrade to NFA 9.2 then there is a patch available to resolve this issue.  Reason why you may need this patch would be:

  • Customer cannot upgrade to NFA 9.2 because it does not support Microsoft Windows Server 2003 and at this time the customer does not have the option to either upgrade the server or migrate to a new one.

To apply the patch on a Standalone System:

  1. Download the netqossqld51.zip from: ftp://ftp.ca.com/pub/netqos/product_patches/NFA/9.1.3/147249_netqossqld51_handles_fix.zip to the server.
  2. You will need to stop the NetQoS NQMySql51 service.
  3. Navigate to the INSTALLROOT\Netflow\bin directory.
  4. Rename the netqossqld51.exe binary to netqossqld51.backup.
  5. Extract the new netqossqld51.exe from the netqossqld51.zip file into the Netflow\bin directory.
  6. Start the NetQoS NQMySql51 service.

To apply the patch on a Distributed 2-Tier System:

  1. Download the netqossqld51.zip from: ftp://ftp.ca.com/pub/netqos/product_patches/NFA/9.1.3/147249_netqossqld51_handles_fix.zip to all NFA Harvester servers.
  2. You will need to stop the NetQoS NQMySql51 service on each Harvester Server.
  3. Navigate to the INSTALLROOT\Netflow\bin directories.
  4. Rename the netqossqld51.exe binary to netqossqld51.backup.
  5. Extract the new netqossqld51.exe from the netqossqld51.zip file into the Netflow\bin directory.
  6. Start the NetQoS NQMySql51 service on all harvesters.

To apply the patch on a Distributed 3-Tier System:

  1. Download the netqossqld51.zip from: ftp://ftp.ca.com/pub/netqos/product_patches/NFA/9.1.3/147249_netqossqld51_handles_fix.zip to all NFA DSA servers.
  2. You will need to stop the NetQoS NQMySql51 service on the DSA Server.
  3. Navigate to the INSTALLROOT\Netflow\bin directory.
  4. Rename the netqossqld51.exe binary to netqossqld51.backup.
  5. Extract the new netqossqld51.exe from the netqossqld51.zip file into the Netflow\bin directory.
  6. Start the NetQoS NQMySql51 service on each DSA.


hello, i had this sympthom in my NFA and applied the patch, but still cant see any data in the graphs, data are there because if i run a flow forensics report i can see information, just cant see graphs, only see " No Network Flow Analysis Data Available", i need to do anything else ??


Thank you.


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