DX Infrastructure Management

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Tech Tip: How to remove interfaces with a NULL / 4294967295 value for ifIndex. 

May 20, 2015 03:57 PM


Due to an issue with NFA 9.3.2 and prior you may notice interfaces in the database with a NULL or 4294967295 value for ifIndex, which may cause interface mapping problems.

NFA 9.3.3 has improvements made to minimize the occurrence of these issues.


If you see these values please upgrade to NFA 9.3.3, following the steps in the 9.3.3 Upgrade Guide.

Then you may have to do some additional cleanup to correct the existing values in the database by following the steps below.

**Note**  As always please backup any affected databases before making any direct database updates,


1. From the NFA Harvester Server(s) run the following commands one at a time:

Mysql -P3308 -D poller -t -e "delete from persistent_map where ifindex=4294967295;"

Mysql -P3308 -D poller -t -e  "delete from persistent_map where ifindex is null;"

Mysql -P3308 -D harvester -t -e "truncate table routers;"

Mysql -P3308 -D harvester -t -e "truncate table interfaces;"


2. From the NFA Console Server run the following commands one at a time:

Mysql -P3308 -D reporter -t -e "delete from interfaces where ifindex=4294967295;"

Mysql -P3308 -D reporter -t -e "delete from interfaces where ifindex is null;"


3. Restart the "CA NFA Harvester Service".


4. Restart the "CA NFA Collection and Poller Web Service".

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