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SPEL API methods 

Aug 04, 2015 10:13 AM

SPEL API methods are spel methods that are defined on API object, definitions can be found in api.maj file. It seems that these methods are used at the backend of SOAP web services.


To call methods defined on particular object we use the following construction:


send_wait(0,top_object(), "call_attr", "<object>", "<object_function>", <object_function_parameters>);


update_object_super This method allows to update multiple attributes for the object
insert_object This method allows to create object and define multiple attributes. You should not use this method to create objects that contains reference numbers (cr,chg,iss) since this method will not generate them automaticaly


This method allows to delete objects that meets defined criteria ( provided by cdtj)
get_access_for_contact This method allows to get contact access type information


This method allows to get code of functional access that is defined for the object
get_system_users This method will get privileged SDM users and their id's
get_attr_list_for_object This method will get all attributes for the object by object name
get_attr_information This method will get object attribute information
get_object_values This method allows to get object attribute values
generic_activity_log This method allows to create activity log for cr,chg and iss objects
notify_contacts This method allows to perform manual notification from spel code. Method will send an email and create activity log entry
add_requestThis method allows to create new request by using template or from the scratch. It also allows to populate properties if they are defined for the category


This method allows to create new change order by using template or from the scratch. It also allows to populate properties if they are defined for the category
add_issueThis method allows to create new issue by using template or from the scratch. It also allows to populate properties if they are defined for the category
get_valid_tasks_wcThis method gets valid workflow task statuses
get_workflowThis method gets number of tasks attached to the object


This method gets item list by where clause. Returns number of objects found and object list as the object. Most often it should be used in conjunction with get_list_values method
get_list_valuesThis method gets object attribute values from object list that is returned from get_list method
get_val_for_wc This method gets value of single object attribute by where clause
generic_status_change This method updates status of an object eg. cr, chg, iss (provided by utku.alp)
get_properties This method gets properties of the request, change or issue. Returns number of properties found and property list as the object. Most often it should be used in conjunction with get_list_values or dob_by_index method.
update_object This method allows to update multiple object attributes and atributes of related objects.
get_list_length This method gets object list length, the same length that is usualy returned in msg[1] by methods like get_list and etc.
api_select_count This method gets count of the objects by the where clause
fetch_more This method fetches more results to object list if not all of them where requested by get_list method.
delete_workflow This method allows to delete workflow task that is attached to the object (Atention: this method is not supported for request object for more info check the following thread request ticket - insert and delete WorkFlowTask )
add_contact This method allows to create new contact
add_workflow This method inserts workflow tasks for change and issue objects (provided by ConanLam ( (Atention: this method may not be supported for request object for more info check the following thread request ticket - insert and delete WorkFlowTask )

This method is used to get contact group membership information from grpmem table.


This method allows to create or delete lrel relation.



Will update this when more examples comes in.


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