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Learn PPM with Rego: Custom Object's Sequence Table, Jaspersoft "Loading," Vendor Not Valid, First Day of Work Week, Delete Budget Plan, and Multi-Select OBS Filter 

May 31, 2016 12:01 PM


Dear Community Members,

In this week's Learn PPM with Rego, we'll explore six CA PPM questions and answers.


1. Why wasn't our custom object's CMN_SEQ sequence table created in the database?

2. What's causing the Jaspersoft Loading . . . (never loads) with some out-of-the-box (OOTB) reports?

3. Why is this XOGed in Vendor "not valid"?

4. Does the First Day of Work Week modify timesheets and portlets?

5. Can we delete several project budget plans with incorrect fiscal periods?

6. How do you create a multi-select OBS filter in a filter portlet?


Please feel free to comment on any alternative answers you've found. We love your input (always).


1. Why wasn't our custom object's CMN_SEQ sequence table created in the database?

The CMN_SEQ sequence table will show up in the database the first time you create an object's instance through the UI.


2. What's causing the Jaspersoft "Loading . . ." (never loads) with some out-of-the-box reports?

This known defect, labeled CLRT-78902, affects reports that include a pie chart for Risks or Issues by Priority, including the following five reports:

  • Project Storyboard
  • Project Status Summary
  • Project Risk, Issue and Change Summary
  • KPIs by Project Type (Dashboard)
  • Top 50 Project Watchlist


Good news. There are two work-arounds.


Here's the first. Check out the tech document from CA: TEC1660532. It asks you to run a report that returns no results. For example, choose your project and select status = cancelled. Then when you run the report and loading appears, you can click cancel, and the report will stay on the screen. A caveat, if your results return more than one page, sometimes the page scroll button doesn't appear.


Next, try taking the pie charts off the report (the charts for Risks and/or Issues by Priority). To remove them, we recommend copying the OOTB report, editing it in JasperStudio by just deleting the two charts, and then publishing again.


Note: This issue only happens for people with no data in Issues & Risks for the Project Storyboard report. When there is data, and the issue and risk charts can populate, the Project Storyboard report runs fine, as do the other reports.


3. Why is this XOGed in Vendor "not valid"?

Sometimes when we XOG in a new vendor the transaction comes back as not-valid because the vendor code isn't capped. People try running a job to put vendors in the right table (unsuccessfully), or they try replacing the vendor with another record, but there's an easier fix. The xog xml(13.1) just requires capital letters in the vendor code.


See the attached file: vendor-not-valid-for-transaction-xml.


4. Does the First Day of Work Week modify timesheets and portlets?


We might set First Day of Work Week to Monday and notice our portlets start on Monday but our timesheets still start on Saturday. Some people assume this means portlets follow the First Day of Work Week for weekly slices and timesheets follow time reporting periods.


The First Day of Work Week simply impacts resource calendars and scheduler interfaces.


5. Can we delete several project budget plans with incorrect fiscal periods?

Sometimes we want to get rid of budget plans because the fiscal periods are wrong.


First we try to update the database to set the FIN_PLANS.PLAN_TYPE_CODE from BUDGET to FORECAST for the records that need to be deleted. We also make sure the IS_PLAN_OF_RECORD = 0. This allows the budget plans to show up in the Cost Plan tab, so they can be deleted manually. Deleting them manually cleans up the corresponding records from fin_plans, fin_cost_plan, details, and the slice tables.


If we're deleting all the budget plans, we look at the fin_financials tables and set some of the fields to null.



6. How can we create a multi-select OBS filter in a filter portlet?

Many people want to make an OBS filter in a grid portlet multi-select, and unfortunately it doesn't work.



We can't change the field in the OOTB OBS filter portlet to multi-select because the Lookup Style defaults to Single-select.



You can create a custom lookup for the browse. However, you will lose some drill down capability.


Feel free to share your feedback and thanks for participating.


Your guide,

The Rego Team

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