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How is % Complete Calculated in CA PPM (Clarity)? | Learn with Rego 

Dec 15, 2016 01:03 AM

Dear Community Members,


If you've ever want to understand how % Complete is calculated or how to include the last_updated_by field in the DW for a sub-object, today is your day. Thanks to those who submitted the five questions below, and to our Rego guides for their knowledge-sharing.


And speaking of knowledge-sharing, if you have budget left for the year, it's not too late to jump on the early bird discount for CA PPM (Clarity) training at regoUniversity 2017. The event is April 23-27, 2017 at the La Cantera Resort and Spa in San Antonio, Texas. Registration materials, course descriptions, and hotel registration is now available at

Q&A Summary


1. Is there a way to get the last_updated_by field included in the DWH for a sub-object?


2. GEL/XOG Help


3. What happens when you reference Draft Processes in a Process?


4. How is % Complete calculated? 


5. Can you change the Sort order for the Actuals row in a Cost Plan?


Please feel free to comment on any alternative answers you've found.


We love your input (always).




Is there a way to get the last_updated_by field included in the DWH for a sub-object?



You can create a calculated field for thisas long as it's a string valueand then add it to DWH.





GEL/XOG Help: I'm getting the error pictured below. While I get the session ID at the beginning, I’m trying to get it again, to handle the XOG. I know that the default user name can successfully XOG because I can XOG via command prompt with that user.

I’m just trying to test that I can XOG in the resources I’m grabbing with 40 hours of ETCs before I calculate what ETCs they should have based on capacity.



You don't need the extra invoke. 



We have a process referring to a draft process. The process still runs and executes effectively; however the sub process did not generate an instance or record that was run. Is this normal behavior?



Pretty normal. The validation process is single layer. It only cares that the sub process exists, it doesn’t care if it’s active.



4. How does Duration calculate Percent Complete halfway through a Task?

Have you noticed that the CA PPM Help Menu discusses using Duration to calculate percent complete? Some people think this indicates when we're halfway through a task, we should be able to set the as of date, run the Update % Complete Job, and then churn out a % Complete value for the task. This doesn't seem to be the case. Instead it seems like the Duration method works a lot like the Manual method, expect for the fact that the project level percent complete attribute is calculated. Why?


The confusion around percent complete is probably due to the expectation that CA PPM will determine the percent complete relative to your start and finish date on a task or project. Instead percent complete calculates as follows.


Summary Task % Complete = Total Detail Task Duration Complete / Total Detail Task Duration.


For example, in one project two tasks both start 4/1/16 and finish 5/31/16. The duration of both is 41 days.

Let's enter 1% complete on the second task.

A summary level task and the project level percent complete show .5% complete.


Let's do the math.


Total Detail Task Duration Complete =  41 Days * 1% = .41 (based on this one task)

Total Detail Task Duration =  82 Days (each task is 41 days)

Summary Task % Complete =  .41 / 82 = .005.






Can you change the Sort order for the Actuals row in a Cost Plan? In the image below, you can see I have the Sort Order defined for Cost Plan Detail Object List Layout, so according to this, Cost Type should be grouped together. This is working correctly for the planned rows, but not for the Actuals rows.

Answer 1
We don’t have the ability to control the order of line items that show in the cost plan details because they represent actuals.You could add those line items to the cost plan details, and they should abide by the sort order.


THANK YOU------------------------------  


A special thanks to Jenn RinellaVirginia DeCegliaDave Matzdorf, Atul Kunkulol, Rob Greca, Rahul Agrawal, and the Rego Team for this Q/A material.

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