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Community Member Spotlight - August 2016 

Aug 29, 2016 11:51 AM

Getting to know our Community Member Spotlight -  Rene Cantwell rcantwell


Featured here is Rene and her husband Bill.
They recently celebrated their 34th Wedding Anniversary

Rene Cantwell - Support Deliver Manager
What is your current role?

I am a Support Delivery Manager for the CA Spectrum product.  I’ve been in this role for the past 8 years.


Previous roles?

Previously a principal support engineer for 14 years, both positions with the CA Spectrum product.

Previous to these roles, for 10 years I was an application and systems administrator.  My background allows me to have a good understanding of what our customers are dealing with, not only with product implementation and support issues, but with deadlines and pressure to get things resolved and working.


What is the most challenging part of your current role?

Keeping up with the dynamics of the software support world.  Things are always changing - the product, the customer base and how we deliver support.  On a regular basis I’m looking for ways to do things better, faster and with positive impact for all.


What part of your job are you most passionate about?

I’ve always been passionate about helping others.  I love the business side of support, always searching for ways to improve the experience for both customers and the support organization.


How have the communities helped you or been useful to you?   How do you feel community helps our customers?

Communities is a great place for customers to not only self-support and get the latest information on releases or how-to's, but to share their experience and knowledge.  Some of our Spectrum customers have been with the product as long as I have or longer.  Every customer’s network and its interactions with data and operations are unique, making every implementation of the software somewhat unique.  When trying to solve problems for the many, the communities is a great place to turn to and find what others’ experiences have been or how they’ve implemented an administrative task or daily care and feeding of the environment.  I have a lot of great relationships with many of our Spectrum customers who I know I can rely on for feedback and guidance.  They can also rely on me to help in whatever way I can as a trusted advisor and partner.


Something fun you do outside the office

I have a lot of hobbies, from flower gardening to quilting and just making stuff.  I often have a stuffed animal or two I’m working on to give as baby gifts.   Here are some very colorful baby hippos I’ve made.



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