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Chat Transcript: CA APIM Office Hours [Oct. 15th] 

Oct 15, 2015 03:05 PM

Kristen Malzone (CA) :

Welcome to Office Hours for CA API Management!


Kristen Malzone (CA) :

Let's get started...


Kristen Malzone (CA) :

If you have a question about CA API Gateway, CA Mobile API Gateway or CA API Developer Portal, ask it here in the chat window. Our product experts are standing by to answer your questions.


Kristen Malzone (CA) :

@Atul - Thanks for joining today!


Kristen Malzone (CA) :

@Atul - Do you have any questions for our team?\


Atul Raut :

Do we have any upcoming webinars for any of the industry best practices?


Atul Raut :

I think it would be helpful to all the CA API Gateway admins to have webinars or recorded sessions on the important use cases like SAML WebSSO


Atul Raut :

I am trying to setup WebSSO in my local environment with CA API Gateway but the learning is taking a long time.. if there were blogs or videos on the WebSSO implementation in CA API Gateway, it would have been very helpful..


Kristen Malzone (CA) :

@Atul - We don't have any scheduled at this time on SAML WebSSO, but I will note your suggestion and take it to the team during our next webcast planning meeting.


Kristen Malzone (CA) :

@Atul - We do have some other webcasts coming up. They aren't posted in the API Management Community yet, but will be soon.


Atul Raut :

Thanks Kristen..


Kristen Malzone (CA) :

@Atul - My pleasure!


Atul Raut :

Recently I completed few trainings on CA education site.. specifically         a. PreGA CA API Gateway 8.2: Differences 200 - 04LSV20100


Alejandro Calbazana :

Does anyone know of the roadmap for GMU?  I'm interested if there is a GUI on the horizon


Atul Raut :

In this training there was a recorded video where the Product team was describing the important enhancements and fixes in version 8.2


Aaron Flint :

@Alejandro, there are definitely plans for a graphical migration tool, it is on the roadmap for an upcoming release.


Atul Raut :

Is there a way for me to get access to the future new version (release) calls for API Mgmt product lines..?


Alejandro Calbazana :

  1. I hope it includes managing mappings as well.


Aaron Flint :

our goal would be to expose everything that we do in the GMU, in a graphical way.  We also want to ensure that we capture any additional GUI-based functionality that makes sense to add


Colleen Doyle (CA) :

@Atul - hi! our pre-ga webcasts are recorded for our employee and partner audiences to showcase the new features of the product release. For formal (customer-facing) training, we have our Self-Directed Learning courses available to complete, with a dynamic lab environment.


Aaron Flint :

mappings and templates would be key graphical inclusions


Colleen Doyle (CA) :

@Atul - here is a link to our Learning Path for API Management


Alejandro Calbazana :

that would be wonderful. i'm actually very concerned about realeasing policy development to large groups without safer migration tooling.


Atul Raut :

@Colleen.. I am  Coreblox LLC which is CA Platinum Partner.. Is it possible for you to include me in these PreGE webcasts?


Aaron Flint :

thanks for the feedback Alejandro.  I'm curious, is there something about the existing GMU that you feel is unsafe?  Or is it just the fact that its easier if you can visually see things?


Colleen Doyle (CA) :

@Atul, I would have to check, I know the recordings are released to Partners and Employees of CA, but the audiences invited to the recording are internal. I can follow up after Office Hours


Atul Raut :

  • ok.. Thanks..


Atul Raut :

or is there a forum or blog where CA can publish the new trainings available? I think publishing the new trainings on the CA Communities would definitely help


Alejandro Calbazana :

@Aaron, the mappings. I'd like to migrate at the folder level. However, if I have policy that has many dependencies, the author needs to know a lot of intimate details about what actions to take for each depends.


Alejandro Calbazana :

@Aaron, I could imagine a GUI that allows me to specify standard rules for names, types of objects.


Aaron Flint :

@Alejandro, thats an interesting request.  Are you saying that you would like to see a migration tool (graphical or otherwise) apply business rules to a migration package?


Alejandro Calbazana :

@Aaron, not necessarily "business rules".  But there needs ot be a way to specify what actions apply to an artifact.  For example, NEVER migrate policy ABCD.  No author should have to worry about making this decision if it is an absolute and is configured in up front.


Alejandro Calbazana :

That reminds me... Has anyone used GMU with ANT or Maven?  It would be easier for me to use these rather than shell scripts.


Aaron Flint :

@Alejandro, in your example, would policy ABCD be something that is visible on a Gateway to all administrative users, but you just want to add some additional restriction around its migration?  For example, you would want to migrate an entire folder, but have migration automatically ignore services that you have specified as "never migrate"?


Alejandro Calbazana :

@Aaron, that sounds accurate.  Having it visible is okay, but having it marked as "never migrate" is what I'm after.


Aaron Flint :

@Alejandro, thanks for the clarification.  That sounds like an interesting feature request, although I'd suggest that that sort of logic belongs in the Gateway and not a migration utility.  If you could have some way of marking a service as "don't migrate" on the Gateway, would that address your use case?


Aaron Flint :

the migration functionality in the Gateway would need to be amended to respect it of course


Alejandro Calbazana :

@Aaron, here is an example... I have a policy that depends on a cluster-wide property that I know is already available on all gateways.  I also know that this property has a different value.  If I migrate a folder, it will take the property with it and potentially change a value in one of the clusters when its not supposed to.


Aaron Flint :

@Alejandro, you should have the ability within the GMU to set that cluster property so that it preserves the value in the destination, if you want it to


Aaron Flint :

using a mapping


Alejandro Calbazana :

true, but its at the discretion of the author to know about it and make the decision.


Alejandro Calbazana :

the way i understand it is that the author needs to create a mapping to either ignore it or use existing.


Alejandro Calbazana :

otherwise, it will move with value and all


Aaron Flint :

yes, thats correct.


Alejandro Calbazana :

i suppose the value could be templatized, but the point is that there may be some things you always want to treat the same.


Aaron Flint :

so what you're suggesting is, you'd rather have a setting (somewhere) that allows you to optionally ignore an entity before it gets added to the migration bundle, so as to avoid the need for the author to know everything about everything


Aaron Flint :

is that right?


Alejandro Calbazana :

i'd want to always use a policy fragment for example


Alejandro Calbazana :

if it were inteded to be a global include


Alejandro Calbazana :

i'd rather treat it as a provided dependency vs. a transitive one


Aaron Flint :

@Alejandro, gotcha, thanks for the input.


Aaron Flint :

@Alejandro, it sounds like you've got some feedback around Gateway migration in general, if possible could we get on a call to discuss further?


Alejandro Calbazana :

@Aaron, absolutely.


Aaron Flint :

  1. I'll get your contact details  the support team and shoot you a note later.


Alejandro Calbazana :

sounds good


Kristen Malzone (CA) :

15 minutes left! Get your last questions in now!


Alejandro Calbazana :

different topic... is there a way to modify the global error template (whatever the cluster-wide property is) to understand error codes?  i'd like to customize the template, but also provide context about the error.


Aaron Flint :

there is a customizable SOAP fault assertion, that allows you to override the default fault with a customized one


Aaron Flint :

you would be able to setup a policy that had different error responses for different error codes


Alejandro Calbazana :

  1. hmm... ok, so that would have to be policy based?  what if the service cannot be resolved?


Alejandro Calbazana :

i guess a global policy could handle that


Aaron Flint :

ah, THAT global error :-). Good question, and I don't have a good answer back.  I've asked support to see if that would work.  Our general thinking is that the global policy would be the place for it


Alejandro Calbazana :

ok, it would be nice to do this in the soap error template.  i'm looking for ways to properly obscure the use of L7.


Kristen Malzone (CA) :

OK - that's all the time we have for today! Thanks for joining this month's session!


Kristen Malzone (CA) :

We'll post the chat transcript to the CA API Management Community later today.

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