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CA Network Flow Analysis - AP Office Hours Chat Transcript, November 18th, 2016,  3.00PM - 4.00PM (AEDT) Sydney Time 

Nov 18, 2016 12:16 AM

Tarun Pamu to Everyone: Hello Everyone, Welcome to CA Network Flow Analysis APJ Office Hours 
Tarun Pamu to Everyone: Alright...Lets get started... The Team is ready, please feel free to ask your questions... Remember this is a Chat only session ...  There is No Audio
Marlos Barroso to Everyone: @Rajesh: good morning
Rajesh to Everyone: Is there going to be any enhancement to UIM and Netflow integration? currently the integration is limited 
Marlos Barroso to Everyone: @Rajesh: Yes we are continously working to improve the NFA - UIM integration, we suggest you post the list of enhancements you are looking to see in the integration so that it can be considered by our product management team
Rajesh to Everyone: Sure, i wll check with the customer and post accordinly
Marlos Barroso to Everyone: @Coenie: good morning
Felix Kirstan to Everyone: Good Morning. Is there an easy way to import the newest cisco nbar application definition package in the NFA?
Rajesh to Everyone: @Marlos, our setup is on windows 2008, can we still go ahead upgrade to 9.4 from 9.3.3
Coenie to Everyone: Hi there, are there any plans to support the NFA console on Linux, as is the case with the Harvester?

Rajesh to Everyone: @Marlos, our setup is on windows 2008, can we still go ahead upgrade to 9.4 from 9.3.3
Marlos Barroso to Everyone: @Rajesh: You can upgrade from 9.3.3, the documentation will provide steps to move your system to Windows 2012
Rajesh to Everyone: @Marlos, Noted
Marlos Barroso to Everyone: @Coenie: This is planned in the future but we don't have an ETA yet, this will require IIS and ASP.NET code to be moved to Java
Marlos Barroso to Everyone: @Felix: Yes, you can create an application map, the doc below contains the details: https://docops.ca.com/ca-network-flow-analysis/9-3-3/en/managing/report-customizations/set-up-application-mapping/create-an-nbar2-application-mapping-rule
Coenie to Everyone: Can you please post the link for NBAR again, I lost my session and now the link isn't in the Chat anymore
Felix Kirstan to Everyone: https://docops.ca.com/ca-network-flow-analysis/9-3-3/en/managing/report-customizations/set-up-application-mapping/create-an-nbar2-application-mapping-rule
Fachrul Kamal to Everyone: is there any specific sample of creating application map?
Coenie to Everyone: Do you have any advice when implementing NFA for multi- tenants?
Satyanarayana Reddy Mokalla to Everyone: You have to use CAPC along with NFA to use Multi-Tenancy...
Grace Abdool to Everyone: Is there a way for the user to upgrade the NBAR2 Engine ID from 13 to a more recent version, or is the engine ID fixed to the CA Release Version? http://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/td/docs/ios-xml/ios/qos_nbar/prot_lib/config_library/nbar-prot-pack-library.html
Marlos Barroso to Everyone: @Fachrul: We do have a detailed explanation of how to create application mapping depending on your scenario, for example, the link below explains how to create a host application mapping: https://docops.ca.com/ca-network-flow-analysis/9-3-3/en/managing/report-customizations/set-up-application-mapping/create-a-host-application-mapping-rule
Satyanarayana Reddy Mokalla to Everyone: @Coenie: You have to use CAPC along with NFA to use Multi-Tenancy...
Coenie to Everyone: Thanks, should we have a Harverster for each client or can you use the same Harvester for multiple clients then?
Satyanarayana Reddy Mokalla to Everyone: @Coenie: Each tenant can use dedicated Harvester

Fachrul Kamal to Everyone: I see a good sample in here http://www.ca.com/us/services-support/ca-support/ca-support-online/product-content/recommended-reading/technical-document-index/ca-network-flow-analysis-formerly-reporteranalyzer-video-best-practices-index.html?intcmp=searchresultclick&resultnum=2
Fachrul Kamal to Everyone: that's what i am looking for in new CA
Fachrul Kamal to Everyone: as the CA is new for me
Marlos Barroso to Everyone: @Grace: Engine 13 is the one listed in our documentation, we will have to confirm if a newer version is supported, can we have your email address after the session so we can get back to you on this one?
Marlos Barroso to Everyone: @Fachrul: do you have a question for us?
Grace Abdool to Everyone: grace.abdool@telekom.de
Fachrul Kamal to Everyone: yes, i hope i can find a good sample like this : http://www.ca.com/us/services-support/ca-support/ca-support-online/product-content/recommended-reading/technical-document-index/ca-network-flow-analysis-formerly-reporteranalyzer-video-best-practices-index.html?intcmp=searchresultclick&resultnum=2
Fachrul Kamal to Everyone: for a new version (CA) not in RA
Marlos Barroso to Everyone: @Fachrul: We are in the process of reviewing and updating our knowledge base, there will be some newer documentation in the future
Grace Abdool to Everyone: Do you have any plans to provide the NFA Standalone as a .ova File, so that it can be easily installed as a VM on VMWare ESXi for example? 
Satyanarayana Reddy Mokalla to Everyone: @Grace: No plans as of now....

Marlos Barroso to Everyone: @Grace: We deliver software as installer only so that cutomers can deploy in diverse environments

Grace Abdool to Everyone: where can I find a good description of how site-to-site analysis works? Do you have a video on that perhaps? 
Satyanarayana Reddy Mokalla to Everyone: @Grace: Here is documentaiton on how to use site-site reports:
Satyanarayana Reddy Mokalla to Everyone: http://www.ca.com/us/services-support/ca-support/ca-support-online/product-content/recommended-reading/technical-document-index/ca-network-flow-analysis-formerly-reporteranalyzer-video-best-practices-index.html?intcmp=searchresultclick&resultnum=2
Grace Abdool to Everyone: thanks!
Marlos Barroso to Everyone: @Grace: Here is the correct link: https://docops.ca.com/ca-network-flow-analysis/9-3-3/en/using/site-to-site-reports
Marlos Barroso to Everyone: We have a question for everyone: What type of knowledge would you like to see more from CA? Better product documentation? How to Videos? How to knowledge articles?
Tarun Pamu to Everyone: Any other suggestions on What kind of discussions / Topics you would like the team to present during this office hours?

Grace Abdool to Everyone: thank you! The first link wasn't bad either. I find it difficult to find these things on your website.... In answer to your question - yes, yes, yes.

Tarun Pamu to Everyone: Thank you for the feedback....This Chat transcript will be posted on the Communities page as well...
Tarun Pamu to Everyone: Thank you for joining the session, we will be ending it soon. Look forward for another office hours session soon... Hope this session was useful

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