I can’t update my default notification email address (Profile > My Account > Email Preferences, "Change" link next to my email address) as my password is refused ("Incorrect password") :
I can login with this password so this is not a wrong password issue. Maybe this is related to recent changes regarding Broadcom SSO?
Technical support sent me here (see case #3602582).
@jonathan L I have an active ticket with the vendor to fix this issue. Stay tuned. @jason mcclellan platform admin
@Jason McClellan Thanks!
We are working with the vendor on this bug to get rolled off our current instance. I am waiting for the release date to announce. Thx Jason
Any update regarding this issue?
@Jonthan L Not yet - we met on Wednesday and the patch has not been assigned a sprint to deploy. We are still working towards a Q1 fix. Thx