ESP dSeries Workload Automation

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 Regarding the Agent down

Sathish Kumar R's profile image
Sathish Kumar R posted Nov 20, 2024 02:22 PM

It was identified that agent was down on the server end once brought up it reflected active in topology and jobs resumed.

Since we didn't capture logs in agent end we are unable to trace what would have happened we could see below error on DE error log.

Error log[PST]: [Note: This issue happened continuously for 2 days around same time we will check for tomorrow as well.]

Day 1 

0241118 22:10:01.558 [dm:communications:exception] [ERROR] DM.OutputMessageQueue.<agent name>: [2024-11-18_22:10:01.558] Exception caught sending to <Agent name>: The conversation is unable to connect to partner <agent name>:7520. The exception is Connection refused (Connection refused). - [Originator: PRODMANAGER

Day 2
20241119 21:32:00.513 [dm:communications:exception] [ERROR] DM.OutputMessageQueue.<agent name>: [2024-11-19_21:32:00.513] Exception caught sending to <agent name>: The conversation is unable to connect to partner <agent name>:7520. The exception is Connection refused (Connection refused).

Could you please help what would be the possible cause or do we have any KB to refer?

Ravi Kiran Kunduri's profile image
Broadcom Employee Ravi Kiran Kunduri

There is a troubleshooting article -

The port for the DE manager is not open or accessible from the agent's machine (default 7507)
The DE tracelog may display the following message.
XX/XX/20XX 00:00:12.345 [dm:communications:exception] [ERROR] DM.OutputMessageQueue.AGENT1: [20XX-XX-XX_00:00:12.345] Exception caught sending to AGENT1: The conversation is unable to connect to partner agent1:7520.
The exception is Connection timed out (Connection timed out).
Ensure to open the port for the WA Manager.
Hope it helps!
Sathish Kumar R's profile image
Sathish Kumar R

Hi Ravi,

Thanks for your response.

DE Manager port was open since we nearly 70 Agent defined all other are does not have this issue at that time.

Also, that Agent[iSeries] is not able to communicate with DE due to it was inactive, post restart it reflects as active and jobs resume.

And we don't have backup logs for that time on Agent since it was roll over.