Hi Matt...
You can basically think of the "ARCHIVEHLQ" parm as the naming convention for the archive GDG. This value was something you probably also included within the ARCHGDG JCL member, located in the CNTL dataset. If you set the parm to something like "SYS3.OPSMVS.SYSA.ARCHIVE" then your archives should generate as SYS3.OPSMVS.SYSA.ARCHIVE.G00001V00 and so on.
If you've already defined and activated your primary OPSLOG and a secondary (say OPSLOG2) within the PA00 member, then you should review the OPS3445O rule provided by Broadcom/CA, along with the related sample program. When you actually "swap", the live log should go from whatever you call it (OPSLOG) to the alternate (OPSLOG2) and also spin off an archive which should appear under 7.1.4
That make sense?