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 Is it possible to download a whole job container before execution?

Marco Lorenz's profile image
Marco Lorenz posted Mar 21, 2024 03:46 AM


I would like to know if there are options to force storing the data for all packages that are part of one job container.

The idea is to make the actual job runtime more reliable for the users and avoid other timing issues with potential online time.

Part of the issues can be avoided with the "Offline" options for jobs, but especially the timing problems with large downloads can be problematic. Especially if a switch to a different scalability server occurs with Location Awareness.

Steve Parker's profile image
Broadcom Employee Steve Parker
Stephen McCormick's profile image
Stephen McCormick

Hi Marco,

We build this capability into our larger packages. Our packages are built with a 'Stage' procedure which simply copies the entire payload to a location on the hard drive, and a 'Trigger Staged' procedure which executes the install. The trigger procedure must point to the installer using an 'External File' instead of 'Embedded file' so the package source is not downloaded again. By doing this we can download large packages days before we install them, then run the install locally so we can control the install time better.

You also need a method to clean up staged packages. We store details of staged packages as inventory, and each package has a purge procedure as well. We also have automation to clean up staged packages after a certain time (90 days).

Hope that helps

Steve McCormick