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 Company needs a Secure Software Development Attestation Form Signed by Broadcom

Marilyn Singley's profile image
Marilyn Singley posted Sep 03, 2024 10:41 AM

Company needs a Secure Software Development Attestation Form Signed by Broadcom. 

Does anyone have any advice on who to send a PDF of Secure Software Development Attestation Form to at Broadcom ?  I thought about opening a Case for it. But hoping someone had a better idea. 



Juergen Lechner's profile image
Juergen Lechner

Hi Marilyn,

you should have some sort of internal contact. Either an account manager or a partner manager - depending on your relationship with Broadcom. This should be your single point of contact for such questions.


Kaj Wierda's profile image
Broadcom Employee Kaj Wierda

Does this (public) KB article address your needs?

Marilyn Singley's profile image
Marilyn Singley

No, my company requires a signed individualized PDF, Mitch Denis from Broadcom reached out to me and is working on my requirements with a Case #. 



Marilyn Singley's profile image
Marilyn Singley

Thanks everyone for the advice, as always Broadcom customer support came through for me. 

Always appreciated.