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 Bulk-change the assigned Retrieval Agent for existing artifacts

Jan Lindstam's profile image
Jan Lindstam posted May 04, 2023 06:38 AM

Hi,  after moving  old environments data to new one, we seem to need to change all active artifacts retrieval agent  to new one - to avoid the situation where existing deployment plans run in new env would try to use old environments retrieval agent. 

What would be the best way to do this?  Is there a REST API for updating the value?

There seems to be this POST method for getting   /artifact-version-details
Broadcom remove preview
Retrieves the details of an artifact-version in one of the following ways:
View this on Broadcom >

.. but it assumes we have listed  artifact names and their versions  and could not directly find corresponding API methods for getting artifacts and one artifacts version. And even if there were, the update or remove+ create would be needed.

Could this be handled by updating database directly?

Best regards, Jan