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 Building a Milestone Query - Outside A Range

Chris Mackin's profile image
Chris Mackin posted Nov 20, 2024 11:31 AM

I am using custom list 2.0 and querying features that do not have a range of milestone values (MI2790 thru MI2830) or no milestone at all.  The query that I have built is close but not completely correct. I do not know the query operators well enough to know if this can be done from a NOT perspective.

(((Milestones.FormattedID < MI2790) OR (Milestones.FormattedID > MI2830)) OR (Milestones.FormattedID = ""))

Problem lies when the feature has several milestones one being outside the range and one in the range it will show it in the output.  This works for all features without a milestone but I need to know if there is a milestone assigned and it does not fall in the range.  

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