Automic Workload Automation

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 Automic REST job aborted during restart

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Srinivas Reddy's profile image
Srinivas Reddy posted Sep 06, 2024 01:54 AM
Hi Community,
Good Day! Hope everyone doing good.
We have encountering an issue in REST Automic jobs. 
We scheduled the REST Jobs and triggering the Endpoint URL with below request. 
Response - application/json
 Start response pattern
              "Status": "FAILURE",
                 "TransactionTypeCode": null,
                 "TransactionSequence": null,
                 "BusinessDate": null,
                 "CreateDate": null
End response pattern
When we getting the Status as "FAILURE", job need to auto restart until get the "SUCCESS" status. Once get the SUCCESS , then passing the below values to successor job.
Start response pattern
              "Status": "SUCCESS",
                 "TransactionTypeCode": "CLOSING",
                 "TransactionSequence": "1234",
                 "BusinessDate": "2024-09-03 00:00:00",
                 "CreateDate": "2024-09-03 20:45:24.525"
End response pattern
When we are getting the Status as "FAILURE" , set up the Auto-restart at job level. But when it is auto-restarting getting the below error.
"FAULT_POST_PROCESSING - error in post processing".
Error message:
U00021719 Syntax error in object 'JOBS.PAS.I1410_STORE_1234', line '00000'. 'U01001307 A variable name with the length 0 is not allowed.'
Please advice me , how the error can be rectified.
Markus Embacher's profile image
Broadcom Employee Markus Embacher  Best Answer

Hi Srinivas,

please do not specify the variables in Output Name with leading &. If you specify with & then Automic is trying to resolve the content of for example &Status as the new variable name, but is is blank at restart.

Just omit the & and specify Status or Status# instead.

Regards, Markus 

Srinivas Reddy's profile image
Srinivas Reddy

Hi Markus, 

Good Day!

Jobs are working as expected after changing the output name without "&".

Thank you very much for quick response.

