ITMS Administrator Group

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149 Entries
9 years ago
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9 years ago
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Note!: This content is created, using SMS 7.5 SP1 release
If you're using a "Altiris Monitor Solution" 7.5 SP1 release, and you:

would like to monitor all your managed Windows ...

9 years ago
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9 years ago
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SSE is a collection of reports commonly used by Backline support and Sustained Engineering. They are very useful for monitoring, administering and troubleshooting.

An example can ...

9 years ago
3 people recommend this.

After a Service Pack, Hot fix or platform upgrade all the SMA and all the SMA plug ins need to be up-to-date.

A quick bird-eye view of the environment SMA versions is possible ...

9 years ago
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9 years ago
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IT Management Suite 7.5 SP1 HF5 is available through SIM. It has fixes for the following components:

Symantec Management Platform
Deployment Solution
Inventory Solution
Software ...

9 years ago
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For maintenance purpose you may like this report:

You can easily create your new SQL Report with Role Name, Created/Modified Date and Description:

Here is the query for ...

9 years ago
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Sometimes you may see that list of accounts created over time is getting long, and you may need to have ir reported, exported or printed.  

I was missing such report, so I have ...

9 years ago
1 person recommends this.


Automation Tasks are in Queued or Pending state with "Waiting for the agent to get the task" message.


The PectAgent (SMA in automation) does not ...