I have tried to set this up to compare log_agent to customer. (NOTE: I had to create 'Reported By' as it did not exist OOTB).
This is the result:
If a customer creates a ticket they are both the Reported By and the Affected End User on the Request by default unless changed.
Setting the Event on Log Comment to check if they are the same will fire _every_ time, regardless of who logged the comment, because they have not changed on the ticket.. This is not what is needed as this would change the status every time an activity is logged.
If someone other than the customer creates a ticket then the Reported By and the Affected End User will be different by default unless changed.
Setting the Event on Log Comment to check if they are the same _will never fire_, regardless of who logged the comment, because they have not changed on the ticket.. This is not what is needed as the status would never change when the customer logs a comment.
What we need is that. regardless of the Reported By person, the action is taken only when the customer is the one who is logging the comment.
Trying to change this from a Site Conditional to a Conditional and then manually changing the condition to use alg.analyst like so:
Results in these errors when evaluated on a new Log Comment:
01/15 10:40:01.74 WIN-SDM domsrvr | 2900 ERROR | domset.c | 12689 Unable to forward the message to attribute analyst |
01/15 10:40:01.74 WIN-SDM spelsrvr | 3352 ERROR | pcexec.c | 6403 Spell interp failed at Activity Log by Customer:2:: get_attr on alg.analyst failed: Unknown name. analyst |
01/15 10:40:01.74 WIN-SDM spelsrvr | 3352 ERROR | macro.spl | 538 Unknown name. |
01/15 10:40:01.74 WIN-SDM spelsrvr | 3352 ERROR | macro.spl | 538 analyst |
01/15 10:40:01.74 WIN-SDM animator_nxd | 2284 ERROR | animator_nxd.c | 2733 Unknown name. in Attached_Event in method evaluated_condition |
Which I think is to be expected.
Trying to decide which approach to take next.