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Congratulations DevTest Community 1,000 Strong!

By Anon Anon posted Dec 18, 2014 04:30 PM


Yes we hit 1,000 - four significant digits today!it_photo_94156.jpg

Thank you members of the DevTest Community for reading, commenting, answering each others questions, and adding ideas. 

Today our little community started just over a year ago hit it's first milestone, 1,000 YES, One Thousand members strong!

I know the DevTest PM team, (Stefana, Ian, Arpi, Arif, Bharath and myself) are impressed with all the Idea's posted in our weekly reviews.  I say this with mixed emotions as we look at the new ideas and review the ideas with the highest votes realizing you guys out number us 166.66 to 1 but we are up for the challenge.  Invite your friends and co-workers to the Community and customers take the next step and join the DevTest Customer Validation community so we can move it into the 4 digits also.

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