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Projects-to-Products...and Everything In-Between

By Brian Nathanson posted Oct 01, 2019 12:43 PM


Our customers and industry analysts agree that the time has come to make the transition from "projects" to "products" -- but many organizations seem to be struggling with how to get started or what to do. This blog is to discuss key success factors of our own project-to-product transition to provide insights into what might be confusing or challenging to your organization. 

This blog will only be as interesting as your feedback. We post as often as we are able and want to hear your comments/feedback/questions. If you find this valuable, please take a few minutes to contribute. Ask questions, suggest improvements, or just chime in to "agree" or "disagree."

This post is the permanent access point for all blog entries in the Projects-to-Products blog by Clarity Product Management. You can bookmark this page or the address

New topics will be added as links in this entry. Posts are in reverse order, so if you are new, you may want to start from the bottom and read up the list.

38: The Pitfalls of Data-Driven Decision Making

37: Making the Transition II: Crawl, Walk, Run
36: Customer Engagement: The Three Customer Personas
35: RC: The Difference between Project Budgeting & Product Budgeting
[New posts from here build on the primer up until this point]

34: Making the Transition: Next Steps on the Journey
33: Making the Transition: How to Get Started
32: Key Characteristics for a Strong CPO Role
31: The Need for Chief Product Officers
30: Restoring Accountability via Deliverables & Deadlines
29: Product Management & Agile
28: Real Talk about Agile
27: Project Management vs Product Management: Marathon vs Sports League
26: Project Management vs Product Management: Pulling on the Iron Triangle
25: Brand Example: The State of the PMO
24: Building a Better Brand: Leveraging Consistency & Reputation
23: Product Marketing Model #3: The Buyer's Journey
22: Product Marketing Model #2: The Innovator's Dilemma
21: Product Marketing Model #1: Crossing the Chasm (Part 2)
20: Product Marketing Model #1: Crossing the Chasm (Part 1)
19: Product Marketing? A Clarification
18: A (very brief) Intro to Product Marketing
17: The MOST Overlooked Skill Set for Making the Transition
16: Product Lifecycle Management
15: Modern Product Management
14: MYTH: Backlog management is NOT product management
13: RC: The relationship between project vs product delivery
12: How to organize for managing products
11: Providing translation between parts of the business
10: Do you have product releases? You should!
9: Product Managers vs Product Owners
8: Who is the product manager?
7: Value elements: a good way to define value
6: Different types of value
5: People want to focus on business value -- but what IS value?
4: Is a product by any other name still a product?
3: An example of a product
2: So What is a product? exactly
1: Kicking things off with How did we get here?


