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CA Technologies in Challengers Quadrant of 2015 Gartner Magic Quadrant for Application Performance Monitoring for its APM Solution

By Amy.Feldman posted Dec 21, 2015 12:28 PM


Recently Gartner published the 2015 Gartner Magic Quadrant for Application Performance Monitoring, placing CA Technologies in the Challengers quadrant.  This year CA Technologies has been placed further along the “ability to execute” axis, bringing it to the Challengers.  We believe this is a great testament to our commitment and investment in driving towards an E.P.I.C. APM solution.   Since 2013, we’ve been on a journey to revitalize APM with a new strategy, leadership team, and a focus on user design.  Leading by design is more than developing a new UI.  It is fundamentally rethinking how APM can provide value across your technology team; both in development and operations.  After all, in the Application Economy, companies who excel and differentiate will win by moving more quickly to design, build, deploy and fix software better than anyone else.


Insight into real world performance reporting delivered by APM can significantly optimize the design, build, test and deployment phases of new applications.  The problem is that extracting value from many APM tools requires arcane knowledge typically housed in a few experts that then become overly taxed.


In response, CA has moved quickly to address the complex challenges introduced by new modern apps, the needs of the business and our APM users.  In the past nine months we have introduced three new APM releases with innovations that change the way we solve application performance issues.


One of our biggest milestones in 2015 was the release of APM 10 with innovations such as Perspectives, Timeline and Differential Analysis.  Together these features de-mystify monitoring so multiple teams readily share expertise and through collaboration applications are continually optimized.


CA APM 10 is designed to protect the valuable experts in a technology organization by unlocking application insight so it is more easily shared across development and operations teams.  In specific, CA APM 10 features new, role-relevant views into what were formerly complex application maps. By removing extraneous information and focusing on what matters for the task at hand, voluminous data is converted into actionable insights that are easily leveraged by all members of development and operations teams.  This collaboration enables the continuous feedback that software teams need to optimize the speed and quality of their releases.


Full control requires full visibility and in order for APM to be effective, IT teams must have insight into all possible elements of application infrastructure that might impact end-user experience.  Years ago this was comparatively easy.  Today’s applications are built atop of API and microservices that introduce many more points of possible failure; many of which aren’t even under the direct control of an application or operations team (cloud based compute or storage e.g.).


Three months following the APM 10 release came APM 10.1 introducing a new Node.js agent, support for microservices, Docker Containers and Cloud Foundry.  We also recently joined the Cloud Foundry Foundation so we are always current when it comes to monitoring new modern apps.  With these new modern apps comes the need to understand customer experience from various devices (web, mobile, IoT).  CA Mobile App Analytics (MAA) 15.4 delivers new innovations to better understand performance in an omni-channel world.


We believe we have the right strategy to win in the application economy and continue to look towards the horizon for new innovative ways to address app performance and customer experience issues.


Gartner, Magic Quadrant for Application Performance Monitoring Suites, Cameron Haight, Will Cappelli, Federico De Silva, 17 December 2015

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