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  • 1.  UNIX based GEN8.0 cse failing to shutdown

    Posted Dec 19, 2024 03:29 PM


    After having an issue with failed object deletion using the encyclopedia client I tried to shutdown the cse (which is running on UNIX) but got the messaage:

    CSE has not terminated

    When I do a "ps -ef | grep gen8.0" I can see the following process still running on the box:

       gen80 13435054        1   0 06:14:31      -  0:00 /opt/app/ca/gen8.0/cse/bin/srvcoord /MDAPP=SRVCOORD /MDLOGD=/opt/app/ca/gen8.0/cse/logs/coord /MDLOGC=1 /MDLOGL=5 /MDLOGT=STANDARD /MDNAME=iefmd/2500 /MDENV=CSE_ENV /MDUNIT=DIR /MDSTART=REGRUN /MDINST=1

       gen80 13697192        1   0 06:14:32      -  0:00 /opt/app/ca/gen8.0/cse/bin/srvid /MDAPP=SRVID /MDLOGD=/opt/app/ca/gen8.0/cse/logs/id /MDLOGC=1 /MDLOGL=5 /MDLOGT=STANDARD /MDNAME=iefmd/2500 /MDENV=CSE_ENV /MDUNIT=COMMON01 /MDSTART=REGRUN /MDINST=1

       gen80 13828268        1   0 06:14:32      -  0:00 /opt/app/ca/gen8.0/cse/bin/srvlock /MDAPP=SRVLOCK /MDLOGD=/opt/app/ca/gen8.0/cse/logs/lock /MDLOGC=1 /MDLOGL=5 /MDLOGT=STANDARD /MDNAME=iefmd/2500 /MDENV=CSE_ENV /MDUNIT=COMMON01 /MDSTART=REGRUN /MDINST=1

       gen80 13959338        1   0 06:14:32      -  0:00 /opt/app/ca/gen8.0/cse/bin/srvuga /MDAPP=SRVUGA /MDLOGD=/opt/app/ca/gen8.0/cse/logs/uga /MDLOGC=1 /MDLOGL=5 /MDLOGT=STANDARD /MDNAME=iefmd/2500 /MDENV=CSE_ENV /MDUNIT=ENCY /MDSTART=REGRUN /MDINST=1

       gen80 14155958        1   0 06:14:32      -  0:00 /opt/app/ca/gen8.0/cse/bin/srvcons /MDAPP=SRVCONS /MDLOGD=/opt/app/ca/gen8.0/cse/logs/cons /MDLOGC=1 /MDLOGL=5 /MDLOGT=STANDARD /MDNAME=iefmd/2500 /MDENV=CSE_ENV /MDUNIT=ENCY /MDSTART=REGRUN /MDINST=1

       gen80 14287034        1   0 06:14:33      -  0:00 /opt/app/ca/gen8.0/cse/bin/srvvc /MDAPP=SRVVC /MDLOGD=/opt/app/ca/gen8.0/cse/logs/vc /MDLOGC=1 /MDLOGL=5 /MDLOGT=STANDARD /MDNAME=iefmd/2500 /MDENV=CSE_ENV /MDUNIT=ENCY /MDSTART=REGRUN /MDINST=1

       gen80  6095200        1 120 10:02:20      - 80:20 /opt/app/ca/gen8.0/cse/bin/srvms /MDAPP=SRVMS /MDLOGD=/opt/app/ca/gen8.0/cse/logs/ms /MDLOGC=1 /MDLOGL=5 /MDLOGT=STANDARD /MDNAME=iefmd/2500 /MDENV=CSE_ENV /MDUNIT=ENCY /MDSTART=RUN /MDINST=2

    cotbld1 12386726 21299450   1 12:21:38  pts/1  0:00 grep gen8.0

    If I kill those processes in UNIX with the kill command will I be able to restart the CSE?

    Any advice would be appreciated.

    Jean-Paul Tolley

  • 2.  RE: UNIX based GEN8.0 cse failing to shutdown

    Broadcom Employee
    Posted Dec 19, 2024 05:04 PM

    Hello @Jean-Paul Tolley

    Did you stop the CSE message dispatcher process iefmd using the default "/opt/app/ca/gen8.0/cse/bin/stopmd" script?
    I don't see the message dispatcher process iefmd running and normally stopping that would terminate the other process.
    The 7 processes you list are the ones that the iefmd starts when it starts up so there appears to be no other activity going on.
    I would suggest to go ahead and manually kill the processes and then restart the iefmd.
    Due to the Ency client failure for the object deletion that may have resulted in a lock on the model which restarting the CSE should remove.
    You can check that with the Support Client (Utilities).
    Please note Gen 8.0 is 2 versions old and reached End Of Service over 8 years ago on August 31 2016: CA Gen 8.0 End of Service Announcement
    Therefore we would strongly advise to plan for upgrade to Gen 8.6 which is the only current supported version: Gen™ 8.6 Documentation
    You will see that there is also now a CSE on Linux if that helps with your upgrade planning.

    Lynn Williams
    Senior Principal Support Engineer
    Broadcom Software

  • 3.  RE: UNIX based GEN8.0 cse failing to shutdown

    Posted Dec 20, 2024 03:23 AM

    Thanks for your response Lynn.

    Killing the process allowed me to restart the CSE. Ran checks on the model in question everything was fine.

    Once again thank you for your response.