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UIM Connector sets wrong AlertedMDRElementID for Disk CIs when cdm probe is configure with MCS Profile

  • 1.  UIM Connector sets wrong AlertedMDRElementID for Disk CIs when cdm probe is configure with MCS Profile

    Posted Jun 14, 2022 10:01 AM

    UIM 20.4 CU2

    cdm 6.71-MC

    SOI 4.2 CU3

    UIM Connector

    With MCS Disk configuration for cdm probe, the "subsys" attribute, which is queried in the connector policy, is not set to "Disk" but to "Alarm".
    As a result, the AlertedMdrElementId is not set correct and the Alarm appears as unknown in the SOI Console.

    When cdm is configured via IM or AC the problem does not exist.

    Has someone seen the same problem when using MCS configuration for cdm disk profiles ?

    Kind regards,
    Britta Hoffner