Greetings SYSVIEW community!
On behalf of the SYSVIEW product team, we are pleased to announce that the SYSVIEW Option for CICS contains new CICS commands that provide you with CICS recovery manager statistics and summarized transaction activity by user ID, and enhanced commands and enhanced functionality for monitoring CICS program CPU usage.
The enhancements are delivered to you in Feature PTF LU14313. The following list summarizes the enhancements.
New CICS Commands
Displays CICS recovery manager statistics for Units of Work. The command lets SYSVIEW Conditions users monitor data that was previously available as only information fields.
Displays CICS transaction activity summarized by user ID. In many cases, user IDs associated with the execution of a transaction are associated with a business application. The summarization of activity by user ID allows you to view application activity.
Enhanced CICS Commands
Enhanced to let you to view the CICS applid of the remote file and the CICS subsytem ID of the remote file.
Enhanced to let you view the CICS applid where the program executed and the average program CPU time.
Contains a new SELECT line command that invokes the CTRANLOG command, which lets you filter data on the selected jobname and user ID.
Enhanced Monitoring of CICS Programs that Start Transactions
The Option for CICS can now monitor and collect data for CICS programs that issue EXEC CICS START TRANSID to start another transaction. The CTRANLOG record contains a new 'Start Transactions' segment that contains the detailed information.
Enhanced Monitoring of CICS Program CPU Usage
The Option for CICS can now monitor and collect CPU time usage at the individual program level and the elapsed time.
New CICS_TRAN_PROG_CpuTime Data Collection Metric
For thresholding, this metric is evaluated at the transaction end (TRANEND). It is not evaluated for dynamic thresholding (TRANDYN) during transaction execution.
Updated CICS Transaction Detail (CTRANLOG) SMF Record
NOTE: The SYSVIEW Option for CICS enhancements described above do not apply to SYSVIEW Essentials configurations of SYSVIEW Performance Management.
Miscellaneous Enhancements
ASLIST Command
Enhanced to support the capability to detect a JVM, LE environment, and LE profiling as part of the Address Space Identification process. The command also contains new data fields. For more information, Base Product Commands.
For a comprehensive description of all the features and functionality that PTF LU14313 delivers, see New Features in the SYSVIEW documentation.
We value your business and thank you for choosing SYSVIEW!
James Bauman
Staff Technical Writer
Mainframe Software Division | Broadcom