Hi Dirk,
AFAIK, Dir 14.1 SP5 is not certified with IGA 14.5 (IGA version was
published before Dir version) but should be with 14.5 CP1 released later
this year.
*From:* Dirk Woywode via Broadcom <
*Sent:* Wednesday, March 27, 2024 1:21 PM
joffrey.lemoigne@broadcom.com*Subject:* Symantec IGA : Symantec Directory 14.1 SP5 support for Identity
Manager 14.5
Does Identity Manager 14.5 support Symantec Directory 14.1 SP5? The support
matrix only refers to SP4. Best regards, Dirk -posted to the "Symantec IGA"
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Does Identity Manager 14.5 support Symantec Directory 14.1 SP5? The support
matrix only refers to SP4.
Best regards,
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Original Message:
Sent: 3/27/2024 8:21:00 AM
From: Dirk Woywode
Subject: Symantec Directory 14.1 SP5 support for Identity Manager 14.5
Does Identity Manager 14.5 support Symantec Directory 14.1 SP5 (for provisioning and user store)? The support matrix only refers to SP4 and SP4 is bundled with the 14.5 installer. However, SP5 seem to have some interesting performance enhancements.
Best regards,