Hi Glenn, thanks for your feedback. Good to know. Our customer will move on using the fat client oneclick.jnlp.
Original Message:
Sent: Oct 02, 2024 02:09 AM
From: Glenn Shoemake
Subject: start putty from oneclick webapp menu on oneclick client
HI Britta,
We had a similar request a while back in which they wanted
- Launching third-party applications (such as Viso) from the OneClick WebApp.
Engineering was working with the Webswing team and they mentioned
Engineering have been working with the Webswing team to see if there is any possibility to make this work. It appears however that the restriction is with the browser security and for this reason it is not possible to work with Webapp. There appears to be a potential workaround if you have Citrix VDA, you can load the desktop apps into the Citrix Browser, then take the Citrix browser app link and use it to customize the OneClick Launch browser.
As Broadcom does not have a Citrix VDA license, we cannot test this further here, but was only given as a possible workaround.
I´m not sure if this is helpful for you but just in case if you have access to Citrix VDA to test further.
Best regards,
Original Message:
Sent: Sep 30, 2024 04:40 AM
From: Britta Hoffner
Subject: start putty from oneclick webapp menu on oneclick client
Spectrum 23.3.13
we have added putty as a menu item to custom-menu-config.xml. We can successful start putty on our Windows 11 Clients using the fat Oneclick Client oneclick.jnlp.
Using the Oneclick Webapp the putty is started on the Oneclick webserver if putty is installed there. If not an error window pops up that the application cannot be found.
Are there any activities to make oneclick.jnlp and Oneclick Webapp behaving the same in the future ?
Kind regards,
Britta Hoffner