I am getting a new error after starting the JCP with java truststore key.
[ERROR] AWI1-DEV-21.0.4:0/UC/UC 104595F81ABEF09FA04C156B53E28F0C-3 0000000001123008 [com.uc4.webui.common.errorhandling.Safe] - java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: com.uc4.ecc.backends.exceptions.AutomationEngineAPIException: Can't connect to any REST-endpoint, please check if at least one JCP is running and is reachable via network.
java.lang.RuntimeException: java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: com.uc4.ecc.backends.exceptions.AutomationEngineAPIException: Can't connect to any REST-endpoint, please check if at least one JCP is running and is reachable via network.
) Error injecting constructor, com.uc4.ecc.backends.exceptions.AutomationEngineAPIException: Can't connect to any REST-endpoint, please check if at least one JCP is running and is reachable via network.
at com.uc4.ecc.framework.entrypoint.notifications.certificate.CertificateNotificationService.<init>(Unknown Source)
while locating com.uc4.ecc.framework.entrypoint.notifications.certificate.CertificateNotificationService
at com.uc4.ecc.framework.core.inject.util.BinderUtils.bindAEService(BinderUtils.java:198)
while locating com.uc4.ecc.framework.entrypoint.notifications.certificate.ICertificateNotificationService
Dominic I
Original Message:
Sent: Sep 21, 2022 07:50 AM
From: Norbert Zsak
Subject: Search Error:No Results in AE V21.0.4
we're dealing with the same problem.
For us, the reason for the error is that the AWI cannot connect to the REST interface because of issues with validating the RESTs certificate.
You may check the AWI log for messages like "PKIX Path building failed".
The only workaround I found is to modify the Java keystore, the JCP/REST process is using on your AE server.
The Java keystore must contain the "jetty" entry with only the hosts' private and public key. The intermediate public key must not be included there!
You can check whether a intermediate certificate is being delivered by the REST process with OpenSSL:
openssl s_client -showcerts localhost:8088
For us, modifying the keystore is not a sufficient solution, thus I already opened a case.
An alternative is to use AWI 21.0.3 with AE 21.0.4.
Though, I'm not sure whether this is officially supported by Broadcom.
Kind regards
Original Message:
Sent: Sep 21, 2022 04:29 AM
From: Dominic Irudayasamy
Subject: Search Error:No Results in AE V21.0.4
Hi All,
I am getting following error when put a string in search field.

Dominic I