Hi Kiran Kumar Vasanthavada!
Sorry for your inconvenience. It looks like that the current docu for v24 is outdated. Please have a look at v21 docu https://docs.automic.com/documentation/webhelp/english/AA/21.0/DOCU/21.0.10/Automic%20Automation%20Guides/Content/InstallAgents/InstallAgentWindows_Java.htm
The Compatibility Matrix for the Windows Agent v24.1 shows supported/required
- Windows versions
- Java versions
- MS VCredist
see https://docs.automic.com/tools/compatibility_matrix?compatibility-mode=component&offering_version_id=1704907291923&lifecycle_entity_id=1409143059253&component_id=1409143059264&component_id=1678890302971&version_id=1701097261226
In order to debug your problem please
- open a command line windows and change to the Agent's bin-folder
- start the agent with the option --console to get any output
The printed messages should give you a hint where your problem is.
Michael K. Dolinek
Engineering Program Manager | Agile Operation Division
Broadcom Software
Original Message:
Sent: Jun 22, 2024 08:32 AM
From: Kiran Kumar Vasanthavada
Subject: Queries regarding 24 Version, Windows and Linux Agents
Hello Michael Dolinek,
I tried installing normal windows agent of 24 version on non-legacy windows server i.e 2022. I have installed it but i am not able to start it and i am not getting log too in temp folder, (not using service manager). It started only after installing java in my server. Does normal windows agent need java? if we needed there was no proper documentation in tech docs referring it needed java and also in compatibility matrix of 24 version mentioned only windows agent, not mentioned about windows java agent. In installer package also for the windows agent it mentioned only windows. How i am supposed to know whether it is normal agent or windows java agent. Awaiting your reply.
Kiran Kumar Vasanthavada.
Original Message:
Sent: Jun 21, 2024 07:20 AM
From: Michael Dolinek
Subject: Queries regarding 24 Version, Windows and Linux Agents
Hi Kiran Kumar Vasanthavada
Currently we offer the version 24 of the Java-based OS-agent only for Windows and Linux (all 64 bit). More operating systems will follow.
The legacy OS-agents require proper runtime libraries such as Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable (see https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/cpp/windows/latest-supported-vc-redist?view=msvc-170) whereas the Java-based OS-agents also require Java 11 (or up) (see https://adoptium.net/).
Only the Java-based OS-agents of version 24 support UTF-8 as all the other components of version 24.
For a smooth transition from version 21 to version 24 we offer not only a legacy OS-agent but also a new Java-based OS-agent for Windows and Linux. From the functionality point of view there are no differences.
Michael K. Dolinek
Engineering Program Manager | Agile Operation Division
Broadcom Software
Original Message:
Sent: Jun 21, 2024 12:43 AM
From: Kiran Kumar Vasanthavada
Subject: Queries regarding 24 Version, Windows and Linux Agents
Hello All,
I would like to know the differences between java windows agent and windows agent and also does windows agent need java?
I also want to know the differences between Linux java agent and linux agent, both are 24 versions.
Kiran Kumar Vasanthavada.